Sunday 6 May 2018

Things that go bump in the night...

So last night we had an uninvited visitor - you need to picture this...

During the course of the evening I had thought that possibly one or other of the cats had brought something in because Boris and Charlie were running around like mad things but I couldn't see anything - current favourite prey is those massive locust like grasshoppers.  After John had come home and we had gone to bed I woke feeling thirsty and heard Charlie come in through the catflap making that strange noise that cats make when they might have a little present caught in their mouths.

I got up and went over to the kitchen and put on the light to find Mr Boo fast asleep on the sofa and Charlie rolling around on the kitchen floor trying to look cute and hopeful of something to eat - nothing out of the ordinary there.  I got a drink from the fridge and was just about to turn out the light when something started flying and it was the size of a jumbo jet - I can cope with most things but not things flying at me and not if it is one of those locust things so I screamed for John who appeared - naked!  He soon ascertained that it was a bat and dispatched me off for his shrimping net that he uses to skim the top of the swimming pool.

Naked and armed only with a shrimping net he pursued the bat who would settle for breath at the topmost part of house where John could not reach it.  Eventually we managed to encourage it into the kitchen and closed the curtains into the lounge and opened the back door.  Eventually John managed to get it into the net watched by a very bemused Charlie.  John shook the net outside the back door to release the poor bat who showed its appreciation by flying straight back into the house!  Eventually it did go out of its own accord.   Mr Boo remained asleep throughout the whole exercise!

So fast forward to today - after all the excitement of last night we woke to a glorious day - unlike my sister who sent the weather for Kenilworth near where she lives where the feel was a heady 1 degree - I am worried that Mum is going to catch a terrible cold when we got back.

Anyway John tackled the spare wheel housing and winch mechanism for the Pug - with the help of YouTube he managed to get the winch out to find that it was officially knackered and probably had been for some time and it was just unfortunate that I had to use the spare the other week or actually maybe it was fortunate or else we might never have known until it was too late.  John had priced one up in the UK but of course that would need shipping over so was quite pleasantly surprised that the local Pug dealer in Paphos could source one from Nicosia at much the same price although it isn't a cheap item.

It is so hot here in April that we have now gone done to just a sheet on the bed and our throw was washed and out on the line ready to be put away.  We have never really needed air conditioning here in the past but I am beginning to worry about this summer - we have never known it so warm so early and it leaves us with nowhere to go in terms of bedding - except for absolutely nothing and some nights I have resorted to that but then I become a smorgasbord for all the iggies in the neighbourhood.

I was off to Art this morning.  John was doing 'stuff' around the house and with the cars.  I was going to walk but it really is a bit hot for that.  The garden is looking stunning at the moment.  The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant which was a gift from Sheila and Klaus for our silver wedding anniversary is in full flower.  The flowers change colour each day, flowering for just three days and it has a heady scent which you get as you walk to the front door or out to the front gate.  At the gate and beyond down the path the honeysuckle is also in full bloom and the scent is amazing in fact in the mornings when we sit in bed reading the papers and drinking a coffee the pungent smell comes in through the bedroom windows - it is fabulous.

I set off for art but not before I had backed into the green rubbish wheelie bin - I wanted to blame the binmen for putting it back in a different position but as I was reversing the car out I thought I ought to mention something to John and was so busy thinking about it that I forgot the bin was behind - good job it is only a plastic one or there would be even more damage to Kenny.  Poor Kenny.

I knew I didn't have belly dancing tonight.  For lots of reasons we wont be starting again until the Autumn - heat being one of them as it is so hot and stuffy upstairs in the dance studio.  I wasn't too disappointed and John and I decided that we would go and do our weekly shop this afternoon instead.

Before going for Art I called into the Cemetery to have a chat with Dad and check on the state of the flowers.  There have been no more burials in the cemetery since Dad so he currently is in the front row on the left.  His flowers are ok still but much more of this hot weather and we will have to rethink what is there.  The workmen have gone - they were dealing with the grave of the lady who died of CJD - two rows behind Dad and to the right.  All is good - if a cemetery could ever be described as pretty then I think ours is.

I finished my current picture today and I have no idea what I am going to do next.  This was a nice little picture and I like it but I have nowhere for it to go and my hairdresser said she liked it so I plan to give it to her.

A lovely morning with Sheila and Klaus and nice to be back to our normal art session.  I managed to order some art paper for Sheila as a thankyou for all she allows me to do.

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