Friday 9 December 2016

Friday - Christmas Begins...

You may not have believed me when I said the temperature had dropped here in Droushia but the proof comes from the weather station which showed the outside temperature on 1st December in the afternoon was only around 9 degrees and after that there was only one way to go and that was downwards - I am so glad that John is always happy to light the woodburner - we remain toasty warm and snuggle up even though we are on an island that boasts 326 days of sunshine every year.

Today started just a little brighter, there were patches of blue sky to be seen this morning when I got up and made the coffees but grey clouds following on closely behind so it was going to be changeable today - the forecast looks better for the weekend which is good as we have Nicky and Mark coming to stay overnight and Mark and John are going to watch the footie which is not a pleasant experience if it is raining.

The cats are getting very bored now - this is the equivalent of them crossing their legs - they are all in and only venturing out for a call of nature - the trouble with that is they start niggling one another and chasing one another round the house - we have already had a couple of breakages unfortunately.   Charlie has found Minnie's favourite bed and commandeered it for himself - he will do it just long enough that she decides she doesn't want it and then he will leave it alone and find out where she is sleeping now and repeat the process - little shit.

As the morning wore on the weather improved more and more until there was more blue sky and puffy clouds than anything else.  This was good and meant that our ride down to pickleball would be more pleasant than it would otherwise have been.  John was coming today - he has been resting from pickleball and badminton but we haven't done any other exercise like the gym because we haven't had Diana here to chivvy us along - well I have to blame somebody.

I was staying on at Mum and Dad's after pickleball today because Mum and I were going out to the theatre to see Wife Begins at 40.  Mum Dad and I were going to Thanasi for a meal first and then we would drop Dad home.  This is part of my Christmas present.

Mum and I went to visit Fred at the vets - outside they have a succulent which is flowering - I have the same succulent in the garden but I have never seen it flower.  Mum said it reminded her of something like an Edelweiss.

Fred is a changed cat, he is making slow progress as the wound around his neck is taking a very long time to heal and it now has to heal in its own time.  He is now desperate for love and attention and wants nothing more than to be cuddled when you go to the cage.  He is not bothered by any of the other residents - it is a shame that his neck hasn't healed because he would be so happy back home with Mum and Dad - I doubt he will ever wander again.

There were clearing skies tonight as the sun went down and the clouds were tinged with pink which should mean we have a nice day tomorrow.  I showered at Mum and Dads and we all went up to the local taverna for supper before the theatre.  Thanasi must be rubbing their hands with glee at Stage One putting on a performance because I guess that there were about 30 people all doing the same and those covers would then be turned round again for their regular live music night.  There are many tavernas and restaurants on the island that would kill for 30 covers let alone the full house from the music night.

We dropped Dad home and for some reason known only to Mum she locked him in the sunroom although she clearly didn't realise that she had - it was only when we got home that we realised that was the situation.  I returned to the centre of the village and managed to find a parking space near the church where all the Christmas decorations are lit up and look lovely.

The performance tonight was a Ray Cooney farce with only six actors involved one of whom was the lovely Louise Vreony who sang at our Vintage Tea Party.  It was probably one of the most polished performances I have seen at Stage One.

They seem to have done quite a bit with regard to the sound - certainly Mum said she could hear much better than at other performances but it was really quite cold in there and whilst we had the luxury of front row seats it did mean that during the interval when the smokers went outside it was freezing!

I dropped Mum home and made my way home taking it easy as the Police are currently on their pre-Christmas speeding campaign.

John had been out with Sean to Finnikas in the village for a meze this evening and had met up with Jenny who is holidaying in Ktima and who they met when they went out for their bike ride earlier in the week.  Jenny is coming for coffee in the morning.  Sean will be busy getting the house ready for Sharon's return tomorrow.

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