Thursday 26 April 2018

John is home...

All in all it was quite late when we eventually got to bed last night.  It seems impossible to get in from the airport and straight to bed - we always seem to want to unpack the suitcases and have a chat - only natural I suppose and with Nicky and Mark coming tomorrow I wanted to make sure that their recently bottomed bedroom was neat and tidy and with John's return there was likely to be stuff strewn all over.  Then of course our sleep was interrupted by Minnie and her vomiting and the boys having a mass brawl in the garden.

I got up to feed the cats so that they did not disturb John too much - they were taking a massive amount if interest in the fridge and not the contents inside but were putting paws down the side and underneath - in fact Chivers was reaching so far in I thought he was going to hurt himself.  This could only mean one thing - we had an uninvited guest which this time of year was likely to be in the form of a field mouse or shrew but could be something more sinister like a tarantula, scorpion or snake.

Uninvited it may have been but we take no pleasure in killing the intruders so I needed John's help to try and flush out whatever it was and encourage it out of the back door without (a) squashing it with the fridge or (b) allowing the cats to get to it.

John was just in the throes of wiggling the fridge out of its hole when a poor little bird flew out.  John managed to catch it and take it out to safety where it flew away and hopefully survived its ordeal.  The cats were well miffed and continued to look around hopeful that their prey was still within their grasps.  They were to be disappointed.

Is is no wonder that they become ill through things that they eat.  On this subject Minnie has been really off colour and we were worried she may have a blockage caused by a fur ball as she had racked her little body trying to sick it up and cried and wailed throughout the whole process which was unsuccessful.  We asked mum to try her vets for some remedy which she managed to get for us and which we administered onto her paws.  She was freaked out (Minnie not Mum) and tried to back away from her paws which is no mean feat but eventually settled down to cleaning the remedy off which was the purpose of the exercise.  She has been lethargic today and refused to eat which is worrying but hopefully she will start to improve.

It will come as no surprise that we had an early night tonight so we would be fresh for our visitors tomorrow.

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