Wednesday 8 June 2011

Day 38...

As I sit and write this at 9.00pm it is 28.5 degrees indoors and 21.3 degrees outside - the weather here is hotting up and at some point today it was about 37 degrees!!

Just want to say a big welcome to our new follower Komal from the USA - not sure what she makes of my daily observations but hope she finds them interesting - I am really enjoying sharing our experiences with friends and family.

They say that everyday is a school day and that is certainly true here in Cyprus as there is so much to learn. 

We were afforded a bit of a lie-in today as the builders working on Andreas' house didn't start until a bit later today - their tip-tapping is usually what wakes John or I and prompts John to go across and make a coffee. 

My first learning experience today was the new washing machine (which is also a tumble dryer)  - the first load went on - I watched the cycle start and finish - went to take it out and it was hotter than a hot thing!!!  It would appear that I had washed and tumbled at the same time - not smart!!! - my second load went on - made sure the dryer was off but somehow I chose a programme so that the washing was very very wet once the cycle had finished - thank god that it was so hot today that anything at all would have dried!!! 

 Mum and Dad came up today to give us a hand.   The major project was to complete closing the gap down the footpath so that we have a proper gate and a boundary. 

The picture on the left shows what it used to look like before we cleared the plants and put up the gate and the fence.  It is probably a very British thing to do but I just feel better knowing that we have defined our boundary and it is clear to all where our property starts and finishes.

It is nice to know that people cant just wander straight into our garden, which has happened on a number of occasions - not that you get many people up here - but we do know that some of the local children are tempted by the swimming pools!!  It just makes everything look so much tidier and John and Dad have made an excellent job of it. 

While they were doing that Mum and I went down into Polis on a shopping expedition.  We parked up in Paps and then crossed the road because we had managed to find Chillies (they specialise in frozen food).  It isn't the biggest shop in the world but stocks a range of goods that John and I would normally buy and at reasonable prices (how ex-pat do I sound??).  We then went to Orphanides because Mum wanted to buy some of their Koupies - she got the last two much to John's disappointment!!  I am pleased to report that during the course of our shopping trip we found the ENAD Polis football ground because is it next door to Orphanides so John will know where to go when he starts to support them in the Autumn.  We then went into the coffee shop in Paps to take the weight off of our feet before a little more food shopping and back to 10b.

I did say to John this morning when I was doing some sorting that I will never need to buy any clothes ever again - how scarey is that - I could shop for England!!!  John will definitely never ever need to buy socks and pants during his lifetime!!

Dad has worked really hard to get our pool up to scratch and today all that hard work really paid off as the pool was looking brilliant and it meant that John and I could have our first dip since we moved in. 

No idea what the temperature was - probably just as well as if I think it is too cold I wont go in.  John will tell you that I made a right song and dance about getting in but then men dont have the same anatomy as women which means it is more difficult for us to get into cold water!!  It really was one of those 'it's lovely when you get in' moments!!

Having cooled down John and I spent some time tidying up.  John chose to do some extreme gardening, complete with pick-axe, before taking time out to settle into the chairs that Vix and Trev gave us with a very welcome chilled Leon. 

I did sewing!  We decided that it would be a good idea to sew the weights we had rescued from our original curtains onto the curtains of the Gazebo so that they dont blow around quite so much.  I managed to do two before it got too hot so I will finish the job tomorrow.

Tonight I rustled up a meal of pork tenderloin in a cream, apple and mustard sauce with hasselback potatoes and salad which we washed down with a glass of cheapo red wine. 

We are sitting down watching trash TV and chilling out - tomorrow is going to be a quiet day - John has had more than enough sun today so we will be doing jobs indoors tomorrow.  Practicing safe sun Vix xx

1 comment:

  1. nice shot of johns squaddie tan as us ex army types like to call it - wish we could say it will be too hot and sunny to go out tomorrow !


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