Saturday 11 June 2011

Day 41...

First of all welcome to Jerry Grant (our twelfth follower).  Jerry, his wife Paula, and I, go back 20-odd years and Jerry was responsible for fitting our kitchen in Glenthorne Avenue so he might want to cast his professional eye over the pictures of the kitchen we have had fitted here!

Last night it was very windy here in Droushia and that brought with it a new set of noises during the night so being a light sleeper I was awake listening to quite of lot of it.  John doesn't have that problem so when he woke and got up at about 7.00am he left me undisturbed.  I woke with a start at about 7.30am when I thought there was a pneumatic drill going outside.  In fact it was Bugsie which was going round the pool cleaning the bottom and had got stuck in the corner right next to the bedroom and was vibrating like a mad thing!  Lie-in over...

... I got up and did a bit of tidying up as we were having Mum and Eileen up for lunch today.  Inside the back door I came across what must be one of the smallest grasshopers I have ever seen.  It was about the size of my little finger nail but I couldn't get my hand close enough to take the photograph without the little fella jumping.

And on the subject of nails do you know I used to have nails? Lovely shaped and polished nails - sometimes maybe just a bit too long to work with properly but they made great back-scratchers for John.  Now I have hands like a navvy - I know I have gardening gloves but have you tried gardening wearing gloves when the temperature is just under 40 degrees? 

We were waiting for Dad to arrive today as he was coming to help John erect the big shed we had purchased to give us some extra storage space.  These heavy-duty plastic buildings are very popular over here, however like every build-your-own-flat-pack they look simple enough to construct until you get the instructions out and look at the manual!! 

Slowly but surely the shed began to take shape - John suffered the first industrial injury when he got some sort of cut on his finger. 

Dad got the second industrial injury when he scraped his arm against the razor sharp roofing material and, because his skin is now so thin, cut himself straight away.  I was kept busy trying to find plasters!!

There was quite a lot of consultation required on the old instructions - and I am not sure whether John had had enough of Dad and shut him in the shed at this point!!!

Ultimately though the shed was completed and I think both John and Dad were checking it out for size as somewhere to escape to if Mum and I get too much for them!

The second shed/box will become our new pump house when we get the sand filter fitted and then the old one can provide us with more storage. 

This one was apparently a piece of **** to erect compared to the other one and was up in seconds. We just have to arrange for the pool technician to come and do the necessary and then hopefully we will have a really nice clean pool all the time!

Mum and Eileen arrived around lunchtime - they normally spend their Saturday's together and had been down to the new market before coming up to us.  We thought they could try Taverna Wiseman for their lunch this week!!!  Nothing too special just a big salad with Keftedes (meat balls) Lounza and Haloumi, dips and olives followed by fresh strawberries (courtesy of Mum) and ice cream.  The 'ladies what lunch' chilled out in the afternoon in the shadey spot outside our bedroom door taking advantage of the magazines I had brought over from England.

At this point I must give a big thank-you to Gemma for sending over the Churchill that Mum had asked for and which arrived this week.  I have no idea why Mum is so taken by him but she was absolutely thrilled!

He has now been given pride of place in her car.  I said I could have ordered a proper nodding one if she had told me but she said that it was the soft plush one that she wanted.

All family members and friends departed John and I have sat down to relax.  The weather has blown up again this evening and I have heard thunder in the distance...

PS - don't forget you can click on any of the photographs above to enlarge it and then use the back arrow to return to the blog.

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