Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 48...

Saturday - and even when you aren't working Saturday feels different!!!

Thought you might all like to see what the Gazebo looks like with the new furniture.  Took this photo last night and we think it looks rather smart although I am not sure what was going off with the flash as John looks a strange colour!! 

Anyway it will be a nice place to eat outside although it will have to warm up a bit in the evenings because so far it has been a little too chilly to sit out to eat at night - unlike down in Paphos where the evenings are much more sultry.

Today we decided to concentrate on the swimming pool and surrounding areas in readiness for Mum and Dad coming up tomorrow for Father's Day. 

I was tasked with cleaning the pool steps whilst John got the bug out to try and get the stuff off of the bottom.  A bit of a pointless exercise until Kyriakos comes and fits the sand filter but some of it goes away and on the whole it does look better. 

My next job was a bit of sewing - our pool net isn't fine enough so a lot of what we try and scoop up manages to get back through again.  Mum had brought up some finer netting so I had to do a modification and make an inner layer out of the new netting. 

Whilst I had the sewing box out I sewed the old blue towels that we bought when we went to Penang in 1997 so that they fit over the two blue sunbeds and then sewed pebbles in the bottom corner so that they stay put (John's idea).  If we call the two white chairs Vicky and Trevor we will have to call these Ron and Mo as we managed to persuade Dad to take a snooze on one of them when we first came up here and he was working his socks off for us.

We took a quick trip into Polis to go to the cashpoint and to see when the Citizen's Advice Bureau is open as we have to go with our resident's paperwork and our S1 forms so that we can secure some free medical care until 2013.  The CAB is only open from Monday to Friday so we will need to go back next week.  We stopped for a coffee in a very traditional coffee shop at the back of the fish market in Polis and as a result of a complete misunderstanding John ordered a Metrio (traditional Cyprus coffee with a little sugar) instead of a Skerto (traditional Cyprus coffee with NO sugar) - just as well it came with a glass of water to help it go down!  I found a tiny little jewellers manned (or womanned) by an elderly Cypriot lady who was gasing away on the phone - when she eventually stopped she spoke the most perfect English - she is going to try and repair my broken eternity ring - when I asked how much she said that if it was possible it would be 'very little money' so I have no idea what that means!

On the way back home we decided to stop in the Podremi Tavern which I have wanted to do for some time.  There are always chickens outside roasting on a spit with potatoes being roasted underneath.  The place sells very traditional food like stifado, afelia, and pastichio.  As they are renowned for the chicken and potatoes that is what we opted for along with a small village salad.  It was delicious and we felt absolutely stuffed.

We pottered around this afternoon - we made a list this morning of the important outstanding jobs so that we know what we are working towards - John still has a poorly arm so he needs to rest it some of the time and of course we have the rest of our lives to get things completed!!

Came across this little fellow this afternoon outside our bedroom door - the grasshoppers here come in all shapes and sizes but this one had such long legs and antennae I had to take a shot of him before he hopped off.

We are trying a movie tonight - it's 9.30 and so far both of us are still awake!!

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