Monday 20 June 2011

Day 50 with Day 49 Catchup ...

Well as you know yesterday was Father's Day for us Brits so we had arranged for Mum and Dad to come up for a meal and stay the night.  Ugly Betty (Missie) is in the tender care of Jenny (Mum's cleaner) this morning!
Before they arrived we wanted to complete the job we had started the day before and which I didn't blog about because we wanted to keep it as a surprise. 

This is stage one of our trying to join the two buildings and provide a bit of a break against the prevailing wind - we have utilised two of the patio doors that were taken out when we had the double glazing installed and we now have a more private and secure area which gets the morning and late afternoon shade  - which John is well pleased about not being a sun worshipper - and is where he had a little snooze this morning (just trying it out for size) and where I am now writing the blog.

The task resulted in several "bugger-its" - particularly when we got a door in place and couldn't close the bloody thing (hinges wrong) and a SH*T when one of the frames slid and hit one of the new fly-screens making three little holes in it.  Still the fly-screen can be replaced at some point and the result was well worth the pain - although I am worried that John's arm is never going to get better if he doesn't rest it.

Whilst working on it we had a visit from our neighbours telling us about a July 4th celebration (meal and music) taking place at the Taverna down the road which is only open on special occasions (this being one of them).  We have decided to go and are dragging Mum and Dad along with us.

Fauna and Flora shot for today was this ugly bug which we think is a baby cicada - the cicadas are the chirping insects that you hear in the evening and which I think are synonymous with the Mediterranean.  This thing sat on a stone right next to where we were working and never moved despite the drilling and the hammering that was going on.  

I just get a picture in my head of our friend Dave Mac singing 'Ugly Bug Ball' when I see this photo (brings back memories of giving him and John a lift home after a particularly messy do in the Mess!

Unfortunately today I am being plagued by a swarm of little thunder or fruit flies which are doing my head in!

We never quite managed to finish the joining buildings job because I went to stain the wood in between and said to John that it looked very pale - he gave it a shake and said it was the sun reflecting on the top - strange as I could see down to the bottom of the tin!!  It was supposed to be brown but was in fact clear - it will have to go back!

I then set about using my new oven for the first time as I wanted to make a Tarte au Citron for tea using up the bargain lemons.  I should have read the manual - like I used to tell our computer users at work!!  I didn't seem to be able to get the oven on unless I had the timer set as well.  At one point nothing was happening and that was because it wasn't on!!  I had to blind bake using some of the shingle from the garden - but I did wash it first!!

Mum and Dad arrived at about 4.00pm - it was a glorious afternoon and so we decided to take a walk around the village and have a drink before coming back for tea.  John looks like he is laying the law down to Dad about something and Dad looks singularly unimpressed - and I am not sure how I managed to chop their feet off!!  The other picture is of our complex from the top road - it doesn't look too bad from that angle!

Parts of the village are very traditional - and quite a few of the homes make halloumi cheese - they seem to hang it from the washing line in what appears to be American Tan tights (not really) and John is desperate to go and buy some.  I am guessing that this chap's milk is probably used in cheese-making - he looked quite well but was being kept on quite a short hobble.

I haven't been able to take a photo of some of the older houses which are basic 'one room for everything' and dont appear to have running water.  One in particular fascinates us and the lady that lives there looks about 105!!  I dont want to intrude on her privacy but boy it would make a fantastic photograph.

We did our circuit round the village stopping for a photo opportunity so that we could change our photograph at the top of the blog (it being Sunday) and to show Mum and Dad looking fit and healthy.  I love the blue doors and shutters that you see in the village!  These are on a building that overlooks the Church.

From here we stopped off at Stathmos to have a welcome drink - it really was a hot day up in Droushia and we felt that we deserved it!

Back at Villa 10b we set up the table-top gas heater that Mum had found for a real bargain at the market - it meant that we would be able to sit out all evening.  Before we sat down to eat we managed to Skype my sister so Dad's day was made complete as the wonders of technology meant that he could have both his girls round him on Father's Day.

My meal of Stifado, Jacket Potato, Carrots, Green Beans, Peas, Leeks, Red Cabbage and Tarte au Citron washed down with more than a little carton red wine went down a storm before we attempted the best of I dont know how many!!!

A lovely day all round ...

Up at the crack of sparrows because we were expecting the pool-man at 7.00am - only to contact him and find out he is coming at 11.30!!

Mum and Dad duly fed and watered have made their way back to Emba and Kyri arrived at 11.30 on the dot.  He is a very genial guy who has resolutely kept his dungarees on even though the temperature outside is well into the 30s!  He says that once his work is done our pool will be absolutely immaculate so I cant wait to be able to jump in later...
... five hours have passed and Kyri is still here...
... six hours and he has just left - he is now like John's new best friend!

Need to leave it all to settle before we can test it so that will not be until Wednesday as we are off to Paphos tomorrow and have a night out with Jackie and Costas and friends so dont expect a blog update tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to be a pedant .............. but 'chap' goats don't give milk !!!!! ....even if 'he' was kept on a tight hobble. I'd get your cheese from somewhere else if I were you!
    Sounded like you had a lovely day. We saw the sun here for the first time in days, but it didn't last. Thick fog and drizzle to-day. Jx


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