Monday, 5 December 2011

We didnt go to Aphrodite Hills...

There is quite a lot going on at the moment in the build up to Christmas - it tickles Dad because when they first moved over here 20 years ago Christmas was more or less ignored by the Cypriots as Easter was their big celebration.  Now, like everywhere else, it is big business but there is still an innocence and charm to the festive season here that seems to be missing in the UK.

Mum and Dad, Janice and Ray were going to a very posh Craft Fair at Aphrodite Hills today (check it out it is seriously posh) - we weren't - we settled for the Car Boot Sale at Damianos Car-lot instead!!!  I decided not to take my camera with me so apologies that the photographs today were taken with my trusty Bloody Blackberry including the one in the top right of the blog page which is a self portrait - good job John has long arms!

When we left Droushia it was a bright but chilly 12 degrees so I was dressed for the Arctic with jeans, boots and a thick wool dress with matching fleece and scarf!!! John was also prepared for the cold so when we got down to Polis and the car-boot we were completely overdressed for the occasion!!!  We are so obviously from 'up in them thar hills' when we go out for the day hence a trip to the luxurious surroundings of Aphrodite Hills was soooo out of the question!!!

The boot sale/craft fair was small but it was nice to be up and out - John and I have always loved car-boots, fairs, markets and/or auctions and have yet to find a replacement for our Saturday morning people-watching whilst eating bacon butties at Vickery's auctions where Mrs Pamment thought that the sticks of Brussels sprouts were what Morris Men used for dancing!!!

Our Welsh friends Rachel and Glenn will testify that if there is tat to be bought we can find it - look what we managed in Hong Kong and Thailand!!!  Today we were very good though and just bought some paperbacks in support of the Friends of Polis Hospital - sorry Alex I know that with your OCD the thought of second hand books makes you feel nauseous!!!  I was quite taken by a jewellery stall but John hurried me on muttering that I had more than enough jewellery making stuff of my own in the cupboard at home!

It being such a beautiful day and a good seven or eight degrees warmer down on the coast than at home we decided to go for a walk in Latchi and have a drink.  Latchi is, as you know, one of our most favourite places ever (and John has been to some pretty special places during his time in the Navy) not least because it is still a working harbour where you see boats being repaired and fishermen going out to sea, plying their trade.  

The one problem here, as with a lot of Cyprus, is that they just do not deal with their litter and so the beauty of the harbour is marred by irresponsible dumping of rubbish and no-one bothering to clear it up which is a shame.

John and I decided to stop off at Faros for a drink before returning home.  It was so hot that I had to disappear into the ladies loo and take off my trousers - just as well that my top doubled as a dress!!!  It was at that point that John revealed that he was sporting a thermal vest and the sun on his back was proving just a little too much!!!  It was probably for the best that he replenished his fluids with a couple of pints of Leon!!!  

The regular bar manager Assen was back in charge having been back to Bulgaria for a couple of weeks to visit his family, by which we thought he meant his Mum and Dad, but we found out that he also has a wife, teenage son and second son who is only seven months old!  Obviously for him the wages in Cyprus (which for a bar manager are probably fairly dire) are better than he would get in Bulgaria and makes it worth his while being separated from his wife and children.  That made me feel quite sad - he is such a nice guy - speaks four languages and obviously loves his family to bits.

We walked to the beginning of the harbour (Polis end) and decided that we might be better off setting up our Boxing Day picnic there as it is sheltered and, hoorah, fairly litter-free!!!  It is not a million miles away from toilets if anyone needs one as we are anticipating that some of the bars will be open and for Bill, who is a keen sailor, affords brilliant views of the beautiful boats that are moored up.

We are praying for a day something like today - keep your fingers crossed for us!!!

Just quickly - had my Aunty Margaret still been alive she would have been celebrating her birthday today god love her (4th December).  I am raising a glass to her today.  As I have been thinking about her, I found out the Edelweiss brooch that I got for my sister Kaye and I to wear at her funeral, and have worn it in her memory.  


  1. Thats the nice chap in the bar - knew he was from Bulgaria as he told us but hasn't he got a liverpool accent?!

  2. He has whatever accent you want!!! We have heard him switch from Brum to Scot to Geordie depending on who he is talking to!


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