John and Susan return home today so our first job this morning was to go down for our final cuddle with Millie, feed her, check the pool and sweep out the verandah so that everything was clean and tidy for their arrival. Millie was there - this time she has been there all bar three visits and wasn't overly bothered by the food she just wanted a cuddle.
It is amazing what you can find on the internet so I managed to get quite a few ideas. We even bought the gift bag in Charlton Athletic red. I know that he will appreciate the effort that went into creating this montage for him on his birthday. We will catch up with them on Friday and celebrate with them then.
John went off to Badminton this afternoon - he had been undecided as to whether he would go but with all the eating and drinking that we have been doing and will be doing and the lack of exercise as we have foregone the hotel gym whilst it is busy he decided he really ought to go. This left me with the afternoon to myself and a load of things that I have been meaning to do.
Ages ago the Brewery asked me to make a sign for the shop - they wanted something 'rustic' and it took a while to find a bit of driftwood that was going to be big enough. I have had it outside drying for ages and just hadn't found the time to complete it. Only four letters but I wanted to use the pyrographic pen to make it look like the letters were embossed leather - you can't see it in the photograph but it worked out quite well - unfortunately it isn't a quick job but I have done it now and it is complete - just need to drop it off when next passing.
My final chore was to tackle the mountain of ironing in the spare bedroom - fondly known as K2. It really is a bit hot and sticky but I opened the doors and had a bit of a through draft and just got on with it - I guess it is cathartic to see an empty ironing basket but then I realised that there was a load of washing on the line from this morning so got that in and did that whilst I was on a roll. I am ashamed to admit that the Lou's Mobile Dog Grooming T-Shirt I wore for the grand opening of the new Hounds on Holiday which I think was in May and it has been sat waiting for attention ever since. Sorry Lou but you will get it back when we see you next week all nice and clean and ironed.
This afternoon Louise, Malcolm and the girls return home after their holiday - they have had a fabulous time and are only returning now because Sophia needs to collect her GCSE results. We knew that their departure would upset George and Pam who find the house so quiet when they have gone so we called round afterwards to have a drink with them and keep them company. On our return we found Boris absolutely sparko on the sofa - now there is a boy who knows how to relax.
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