Friday 5 August 2016

Sister of Mercy...

Ok so as you know I did my babysitting stint with Elena on Wednesday and in an attempt to tickle her tastebuds and get her appetite back I suggested I make some fresh soup and freeze it in an icecube tray so she could have as much or as little as she wanted.  This took me back to the days when, in my late 20s, I had some corrective work done on my jaw and had my teeth wired together for three months and Mum and Dad did everything they could to provide me with tasty and nutritious liquid food.  We got the icecube tray in Jumbos and I picked up some lovely ripe tomatoes on our way back from Paphos yesterday and set about making some tomato and basil soup which she said was a bit of a favourite of hers - all fresh ingredients - nothing too spicy and no cream just good honest vegetable soup.  I delivered it up to her hopeful that this might do the trick and later on today had a text to say she had eaten some and enjoyed it - RESULT

It was our last day of pickleball before shutting up shop for the summer probably just as well because it was exceptionally hot and sticky in the hall and I played like shit! Actually the stickiest bit was washing the floor after we had removed our court markings!

I have to admit I think John was right about the headband I bought yesterday - he told me I looked like a throwback to the 70s - a sort of demonic cross between John McEnroe and Christ Evert and in the end I didn't wear it because it made me feel hotter than ever - why is it I am the only one who appears to sweat like a pig on the court - I end up looking really terrible!  Anyway only a break of a month as we start back at the beginning of September - it is going to be terrible - no sport and lots of visitors - I am going to have to go on a starvation diet for the next week (that is all the respite I have) other wise I am going to look like Billy Bunter - I thought I would eat less when the weather is so hot but I love salads so much and salads with dressing and potatoes and halloumi and so I stand no chance whatsoever!  I am clearly going to have to adopt the latest craze of cutting my food into tiny postage sized pieces and chewing them a million times before swallowing!!! Like that is ever going to happen!

And just to underline my dilemma it was with great joy that the seafood shop had got back in the Thai spiced salmon fishcakes that they do and so Mum and I went over to get some - then it transpired it was much cheaper to buy six so that it what I did - I rest my case - I stand no chance - I just love food too much.

Having Mum as an insider in a charity shop comes in very useful as I asked her if she could see whether they had any china suitable for Louise and her vintage tea parties - bless her she managed to find three pretty plates - not bone china but with a vintage look and feel and at only 50cents each a bargain.  I shall give them to Louise the next time I see her.

Back home I have found a resting place for the dragonfly - it had a ready made nail on the old wooden door in the front garden and will remain there unless we find somewhere else where it will look better - I actually quite like it there so it may well stay!

It has been a scorcher today even here in Droushia where at 6.00pm the temperature in the Peugeot even with it sitting under the carport had hit 37 degrees!  I am guessing we are getting to the period of the year when we almost, but not quite, think about the benefits of air-conditioning but to be fair during the day we are happy with the fans and at night, now I have got used to the sound of the fan, I sleep reasonably ok.

There was much excitement in the neighbourhood as two of the approach roads have had their long standing and ever growing potholes dealt with - the one at the top of the concrete road near the 'Egyptian's House' had remained intact - the one down near Kelly had already been driven over and had tyre marks running through it!

We had decided at short notice to have a quick tea at Fitos's with Diana and Rob - not sure any of us were going to plump for Today's Special of LAMP kleftiko!

Eva the cat was very much in evidence this evening with her Hitler-style comb over and moustache.  She spent quite a bit of time hanging around our table and at one point got very brave and jumped on John's lap much to his surprise and hers I think.  We went early which was good as it looked like he was going to be exceptionally busy.  Clearly Lamp Kleftiko is a big draw for the locals.

We had a great meal as we always do and by the time we left the place was buzzing and we were the only non-Cypriots in there!  Looks like Fitos and Johanna are doing even more improvements with a load of plants outside and some hardcore laid at the front - so many changes since it was built and when we thought it was going to be a petrol station or a kiosk.  In fact I am sure I have some old photos where the sign used to say Fitos Kiosk.

We stayed at the Veaseys for a coffee - taking in the beautiful evening air in their lovely seating area  Rob as always entertained us with his music collection - great songs great evening.

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