This morning we woke to what is a very rare thing - a Sunday at home with no visitors and nowhere to go - thank you Mum and Dad and thank you Janet and Hadge for this treat. It has been such a busy few weeks even few months that a lie-in with the whole day stretching ahead of us like a huge blank canvass was like winning the lottery only better!
We woke to blue but cloudy skies, if we looked down towards the coast, but grey and threatening if we looked behind us in the direction of Peyia so we stared steadfastly ahead - if we couldn't see it, it wasn't going to happen!
Generally once our visitors have gone back in September we tend not to use the pool - don't know why because to be fair the water isn't that cold - 27 degrees is warmer than most English summer days so we have decided we should continue to use it until we really can't summon up the courage to go in anymore! so we both went in for a dip and managed to get out before that threatening weather from Peyia crept ever more closer...
It rained hard although not for very long but thereafter for a while there was a feeling of damp in the air. I did manage to get the washing dried but it was touch and go for a while.
Clean sheets tonight, fresh hay - that was going to top of the day nicely. We were just easing ourselves into the day when we had a message from Mum saying that their car wouldn't start - we were going down tomorrow and if it was just something simple then John could have dealt with it but when she said it was making a funny noise we suggested that they ring the Rescue Line that is included with our car insurance. John is good but he is no car mechanic so if it was major he wouldn't be able to help anyway. As it happens they did eventually get someone to come from the Rescue Line (all the way from Limassol and then unable to speak English) who thought it was the starter motor and took the car off on the low-loader to Dad's normal garage.
John accompanied his meal with one of the Ales that he had purchased when we went out with Diana and Rob and I treated myself to a non-alcoholic Stowford Press Cider which was purchased from the same place - I know that cider purists will look at me in horror but I am not so good if I have a drink lunchtime and actually this was quite nice - not too sweet but good and apply - nice served very very cold and a very good accompaniment to the spicy Loukaniko. I can't remember how much we paid for the big bag we bought from Paps when it was on offer the other week but there were enough sausages in it to feed a small village and still have some left over. We froze half of them and they are no different for having been frozen.
John took the opportunity to have a day watching sport and I took the opportunity to get on with making some Christmas Cards - I know it is early but I like to have a good couple of hours to sort out the designs and before we know it Christmas will be just round the corner and I wont have made half as many as I wanted to.
I have decided that I am much better when I decide exactly how many cards I want to make in one sitting and then only make that many and only get out what I need to make them rather than surround myself with the contents of my craft box because then I get in a fug and can't see the wood for the trees so to speak!
Once done I went round to have a cuppa with George and Pam as they were having the day on their own - they are expecting visitors at some point but as George says they never actually tell them when they are going to come just ring up the day before, or worse on the day and then pitch up. I had to decline supper with them this evening - George was going to try and tempt me with his pilafi and loukaniko but I had to tell him we had already eaten something similar for lunch!
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