Monday 27 February 2017

Super Soccer Saturday

Today was a Super Soccer Saturday with John going to watch ENAD this afternoon and shortly afterwards a crunch game for the Mighty Blades against Bolton which, if they won, takes them one step nearer promotion...

We had a quick nip into Polis for a bit of shopping which we thought might be a bad idea as this weekend is a special one for the Cypriots as Monday is Clean/Green Monday which is the beginning of Lent and so a lot of meat gets eaten over the weekend in preparation for fasting.  There will be a carnival on Saturday and the town is all prepared with bunting all over the place.  Paps wasn't as busy as we anticipated and the meat counter was relatively quiet so our shopping trip was relatively hassle free and John's current favourite wine was on offer so he cleared the shelves and was a happy chappy.

Back home I started getting ready for Lou and H's visit this evening by making a sausage casserole which is one of Lou's favourites and to go with it I made a treacle and lemon curd tart all on my owneo - even blind baking the pastry case and then making the mix to go inside.

The lighter mornings and warmer days mean we are up earlier and on the plus side it means we can get more done.  It is so lovely at the moment that you just want to be outside making the most of it - beautiful sunshine in February is such a bonus and with our friends Helen and Pete coming up to visit us we want the house to look its best.  It is a hive of activity on the land at the moment and the little old man from Inea with the motorised rotavator slowly chugged his way along the road en route to his vines.

I was joined by Chivers up on the roof terrace when I went to take a photograph of the old man from Inea - now that it is tiled up there if there is the slightest bit of sunshine it looks and feels warm and so Chivers got himself comfy - I would have been happy to sit up there for the remainder of the morning but I had other things I needed to do.

Some of the garden ornaments are looking the worse for wear - John's mum bought us some lovely silver solar lights for our anniversary party but they have tarnished in the winter rain and now look a bit sorry for themselves.  The silver heart which George and Pam's granddaughters brought me has also tarnished but it doesn't look too bad for the time being.

We were sent a lovely set of coasters by Laura and Mark - sadly two of them got broken but we still have two on the table outside the guest bedroom - I always think of t hem when I see them and the sentiments make me smile on the one hand and then make me feel a little sad because there is one thing that we do miss from the UK and that is the good friends we made some of whom we may never see again but who we think of often.

I thought I would try and find some asparagus for tonight's tea - I thought Lou might like to taste some of the fresh wild shoots.  Chivers came with me playing in the field and running like a mad thing one minute and then panting a flaked out the next.  He said he wanted a selfie so we got together and took one!!!  No luck on the asparagus front sadly, it must be late up here in Droushia.

John returned from footie and immediately got himself settled for a Blades-fest - he had the commentary on the TV, webcam on the laptop, live scores on the Ipad and a beer to help it go down.  It was a successful game and there was quite a lot of shouting and cheering coming from the lounge!!!

As you can see Charlie was riveted by the football and the rugby which was playing at the same time - in fact all of the cats were in and enjoying the warmth in the conservatory.  We were lighting the fire though because it gets chilly at night and with Lou and H coming we wanted them to be cosy warm and well fed.

It was really good to catch up with them.  They are working extra hard at the moment having just returned from their annual pilgrimage to India and an unexpected enforced car change.  They came in their new car and very nice it is too - we were pleased it still had all four wheels when they came to leave!!!  Lou-Lou if you are reading this we didn't put a date in the diary for WLB!

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