Friday 27 October 2017

midway through October...

We are midway through October and the weather at the moment is absolutely glorious.  Anyone who has come on holiday here now are truly blessed.   Sunrise is later of course and so when we get up the sun hasn't yet really got high enough to shine upon the pool but is some ways that makes it easier to get in and to be fair it really isn't that bad.

John is embracing this bracing experience in a way that I cannot!!  but a refreshing start and warming shower is a great way to start the day - follow this with a nice bowl of porridge and we are ready to face whatever the day has to throw at us.  John wasn't going to badminton having spent the whole of the day yesterday on a first aid course for the badminton club and I was taking Di to pickleball and then coming straight back as Mum and Dad were out to lunch with Aunty Joyce and Uncle David.

Getting up early means that we can get on with things in and around the house and at the moment we are concentrating on getting the garden winter ready - today I removed the Morning Glory which was growing around the gazebo in Wendy and Bill corner as it was beginning to get old and leggy - why is it that the amount of garden waste you accumulate is so much more than it looks when it is still attached to the plant?

We also cut back the vine today - the old grapes that were still attached were attracting all sorts of flies and wasps and it was beginning to make a bit of a mess.  The garden looks tidier but rather bare in places but shrubs that are beginning to get woody will benefit from the haircut although there are some which I think may need to be replaced - my lovely dark pink Gaura seems to be dying and I am not sure why.

There were only four of us at pickleball this afternoon so it was a good work out for us - so much so that we finished a bit earlier than normal as we were all exhausted.   Di and I stopped on the way back at the 24 hour bakery at the traffic lights and it was here that I introduced Di to the delight that is a Chino.

As a Chino-virgin Di made the fatal mistake of taking a big old slurp and got not only brain freeze but nose freeze for her trouble!!!

I was back good and early which was nice as it gave me time to get a shower and then organise tea before we decided it was such a beautiful evening we should make the most of it and go up onto the roof terrace to take in the remaining sunshine.

It was one of those 'Ain't we Lucky' evenings even up in the dizzy heights of Droushia.  Dinner was cooking downstairs - it was fridge surprise tonight - we had some ham, bacon, cream and cheese that needed eating so we were having a sort of carbonara with cheesy bread topping and it was absolutely lovely.

We had a couple of drinks up on the terrace before having our dinner and then we watched the final episode of Liar.  It had been a good day.

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