Monday 6 August 2018

Day Four of Hazel's Holiday

It was a cool and cloudy start to the day so we took the opportunity to go for a walk around the village to take in the sights and sounds of a banging Droushia village on a Wednesday morning!!!!  We have an old village Bedford Bus which is being used by someone merely to store some disintegrating ancient sunbeds which is such a shame - John and I so want to liberate it and restore it so that it could still serve some useful purpose like a lending library or something but this is, sadly, just a pipe dream.

Always up for some retail therapy I introduced Hazel to our 'mini-mart' which is still operational although it is quite hard to tell and was, and probably still is, run by some ancient relative of Elena's - I think she used to say it was her uncle.  This tiny, dark and uninspiring retail outlet surely cannot be worth opening but it is open and had John been with us he would have gone in and bought a bottle of water or something just to 'spread the wealth'.

We took a long and fairly circuitous route around the village stopping to take photographs of some of the old buildings before seeking the civilised terrace of the Droushia Heights Hotel for a welcome frappe.  The sun had burned off the early morning cloud and it was hotting up.  Being mid-week there were less visitors at the hotel than at the weekend and we got a seat out on one of the sofas.  The view was somewhat obscured by the heat haze hanging above Polis and the mountains across at Lysos.

John came to join us en route to the cemetery so that we did not have to walk back in the heat.  Hazel has now seen Dad's final resting place and  that of his neighbour Elena and the little church there so she will be able to visualise where I am talking about when I next mention my trip to see Dad.

This evening we were going out for a special meal to one of our most favourite places Oniros on the coast down by the second wreck.  It is probably a bit more 'trendy' and expensive than we normally chose so it is for special occasions only and this was most definitely one of those.  We had asked Rob and Di to join us and we timed our trip to perfection arriving just after 6.00pm and secured a table right by the sea before the masses pitched up and had to queue for some time to get a table.

I seem to remember I was driver last time we went here - on the day that the Pug broke down and we were supposed to be going to the zoo on a Droushia discover day but I don't mind because they serve the most fabulous smoothies there although maybe next time I can have a glass of wine or something!!!

It was so worth getting there early and not having to wait - we had a drink, perused the menus and made our selections - watched some wedding couples having their photographs taken and then settled down to work our way through some gorgeous food!  Di and Rob and John and I shared meat platters which were fabulous and Hazel had what she said was a lovely Greek salad and then we even had a couple of puddings between us.

It was a little cloudy when it came to sunset but it was still a wonderful evening, balmy warm with no condensation, great food and great company.  Hazel absolutely loved it which was what it was all about.

We returned to Droushia and finished the evening sitting in Rob and Di's garden chatting and listening to the Bobster's vinyl collection - he had found a kindred spirit in Hazel who loved some of the music he chose for us to listen to.

A great day all round - I am guessing Hazel will sleep well tonight!!

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