Saturday 23 February 2019

More DIY...

We were having a day at home today and as I said the weather in February has, so far, been infinitely better than January - any rain has been confined to night time which is good particularly when you have jobs you want to do that involves outdoors or going outdoors plus with some sunshine even though it is cold it is nice to open up the windows and have fresh air coming in chasing away the fug of the winter.  Sunshine however highlights the fact that my windows are filthy and there is woodburner dust everywhere.  Today I planned to rectify some of that - not the windows because with rain forecast for the weekend that would be a waste of time but the dust element of this equation.

First of all we went and checked out the box containing our new garden furniture to make sure it had arrived in one piece, not that we were expecting it not to but it is just our luck not to check and then find an issue when it is too late.  It is all good but not anything like how I described it to Di - I must have a shocking memory!!!  It is in fact far more robust than I had remembered so I am looking forward to getting that area sorted so we can start using it.  It will be a novelty to sit in a garden chair and not be wary of it collapsing!

Feeling inspired to clean, which doesn't happen often and is a feeling which should be harnessed and exploited I decided to go wild and give both the bedrooms a good bottoming.  First of all I started with replacing the words that were on the dodgy bit of bedroom wall that we had stripped back, treated and painted - job done and it is actually on straight - that is just the angle of the camera.

We are so short on storage that we have to utilise all space available.  The bed in the spare bedroom is a divan with proper drawers underneath, our bed has separate wooden drawers which we purchased and where a lot of my clothes are stored.  It is a bit of a bugger getting them in and out hence I don't do it as often as I should but today, voila!!!!  Charlie was most confused - not only were there no drawers but there was no dust either!!!

It would be so lovely not to have the drawers as it would be easier to clean and it makes the bedroom look bigger but unless I have a massive culling that is never going to happen so the drawers had to go back but the contents are neat and tidy thanks to Jumbo and storage bags, two of which fit perfectly.

Charlie was still in full on inspection mode and gave my work the thumbs up and I have to admit that it felt brilliant to have a super clean bedroom and so I moved next door and did exactly the same which means that Nicky and Mark will have a super clean bedroom to stay in at the weekend.

Clean room, clean bed and some tea/coffee-making facilities for our guests - they should be comfortable hopefully!!   We are looking forward to them coming as we always have a good time with them - we start out with great plans of having late nights but are normally all tucked up in bed by 9.00pm - what a rock and roll lifestyle we lead.

I moved on from the bedrooms to giving all our rugs a good beat and a clean - our erstwhile Syrian neighbours would have been so proud of me and I now realise why they used to do their rugs everyday come rain or shine - I just never really worked out where they put any of the rugs which got wet/damp outside.

I also emptied the ironing basket and whilst I was putting it all away Chivers found himself a potential new sleeping space.  His face has a distinct "who is this strange domestic goddess creature that has appeared in our house?" look about it!!!

John had woken in the night because he said he had stuff going around in his head including the conundrum of a playing list for pickleball when we have six players and Mum sits out every other game.  I had done a list previously but it never really worked properly - John said he thought it should be easy to achieve but actually when we sat down to tackle it this morning he conceded that it was a bit of a nightmare so I spent AGES and we now have a new list - we just need six players - that will be next week when Liselotte returns.

My final Domestic Goddess act of the day was to bake another banana loaf for the weekend only to realise that the recipe calls for cinnamon and Marky Mark doesn't do cinnamon or cloves or nutmeg - duh - still Nicky said she was bringing puds so hopefully she remembers!

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