Saturday 23 March 2019

Mr Blue Sky...

We have now had two days in succession when we have woken to blue skies and sunshine.  This is more like it.  This is what we signed up for and as we sit outside having an early morning cup of coffee we realise how quickly we will forget the miserable winter that we have endured.

I realise that in this photograph the skies do not look blue but any early greyness soon faded away as the sun rose and temperatures began to rise to much more like what we would expect.

We still have the old furniture outside the kitchen.  We have decided that this is definitely the place to sit and relax rather than sit and eat so we think that this will be decked liked the other seating areas and then we can see about getting rid of the old furniture - it is slowly but surely collapsing as the plastic 'rattan' has succumbed to age hardening.  We don't know whether anyone would like to take it off of our hands as an upcycling project or whether we are going to have to ask Marianna if the municipality can take it away - we fear that otherwise we may see it again lurking in the 'dump' at the back of the village along with all the other shit that has been put there.

I finished the card I was making for Mum to give Sue for her birthday next week - when I was doing a clear out of my craft stuff I found some wording which I loved and I have been looking for the right opportunity to use it.

Sue is a lovely person.  She was a vicar in the past or if not exactly a vicar something similar and she spoke so beautifully at Dad's funeral about what Dad was like as a friend.  

Today it is exactly a year ago since we laid Dad to rest and I from what I can remember it was a bright and blustery day that day - I certainly remember I was wearing a dress with short sleeves.

We are now really keen to get Dad's headstone and permanent surround erected - not least because the grave to the right is now having that done and the grave to the left has always seemed a bit close.  Apparently this will all get sorted in due course as the various graves settle and when we went to visit today the builders explained that each plot in our row is allocated the same width of 147 centimeters (to include a small pathway in between) so we were not to worry because once they had finished all other surrounds had to line up and tie in with what they had done and if there were any issues the Mukhtar would sort it.  I am guessing that this is to maximise the space available otherwise you get a right old higgeldy piggeldy arrangement of graves.

John took me down to Ladies Lunch which was being held in Finnikas today and Sheila had left it to Phillipos and Marina to decide what they would be serving us for our 12 euros per head.  This is fine for me because I am familiar with their food and not fussy but may have been a challenge for others who are not so accommodating!!!  There was miles too much food and most of us returned home with a doggy bag of some description!  We had salad and dips and halloumi and meatballs and pastichio and chicken and pork from the grill with Marina's legendary and super delicious roast potatoes.  There was a good number of us 15 in total but I have to admit those who situated themselves close to the log fire were sensible because the further away you got the cooler it was in the room.  I sat next to Yve (the Medium) which was lovely - we realise that, although we cannot remember how we first met, we have known each other about 7 years now.  Our paths have crossed over that time - not overly regularly but a chance meeting in Paps before Christmas brought her back to the lunch group which is great.

Sheila has her daughter out for a few days.  It was so nice to meet Debbie having heard so much about her and since I saw her last Sheila has had a snazzy new hair but which really suited her.  Big thanks to Sheila for organising the meal.  I was also super impressed by the camera Debbie had brought with her with was a 21st century digital equivalent of an old Polariod.  The camera enabled her to take normal photographs and video but then she could decide whether or not she wanted to print a picture there and then!  How fab is that???  Anyway I hope she enjoys her brief visit and that the weather will be kind to her.

There was quite a lot of post for me today - birthday cards, some parcels from Amazon and Ebay which were things for the house and an interesting parcel from Lakis and Argy in the UK.  Lakis is my birthday twin so will be celebrating on Saturday too.  It is difficult to know what to get him but as we know they treasure the brief occasions they get when they can go out together without looking after Argy's mum Kia, who lives with them full time, we opted for a voucher for the two of them to enjoy afternoon tea at a Michelin star restaurant in Mayfair - Galvin at the Athenaeum.  I hope it is nice - the reviews seem reasonable so we have our fingers crossed!!

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