Friday 15 November 2019

We introduce Andy to pickleball!!!!

Power back to normal and a good night's sleep - bomba as the Bobster would say!!!  I had a rendez-vous down in Polis early this morning so I was up and off - I had seen some cushions for sale which would go perfectly with our sofas and I was off to do the transaction in Paps supermarket carpark!!

I was given the responsibility of recycling the bottles and cans which we have accumulated and as I had been warned that the police were down in their normal stopping place and as I would normally go that way and drop off at the bins beyond I went round the back and to the bins which are near Mosfilos - these are located in a car park so easier to get to and rarely overflowing.  At the end of the car park is an old house in terrible disrepair - it fascinates me - it would be such a beautiful building if ever refurbished.  Now it just stands at the access to the car park for the medical centre where we have registered for a doctor.

I got my cushions, grabbed some oranges which I had forgotten to get yesterday and made my way back home.  I quickly took this photograph whilst I was stopped at the traffic lights - I had no idea whether my lights were at red, green or amber as the GAP lorry had adopted the Cypriot "lets park as close to the door as possible" attitude and was obscuring the lights.  Where I was waiting there is only one set, on the left, which, because of the sweep of the road means that if you are turning right, as I was, those lights are slightly behind you.  It made for an interesting situation!!

My new cushions are the red and silver ones in the picture - there were five in all so three have gone on the three seater and two on the two, strangely enough.  The sofas are comfortable but in need of a clean.  Their cleanliness is not helped by the fact that the cat hairs seem to have barbs so they go into the fabric and will not come out and ever since Charlie was knocked over he dribbles a bit and he has dribbled on the arms so they are rather manky.  I have contacted someone to give me a quote for cleaning the two sofas and the rug in readiness for Christmas.

We had a visitor at pickleball today, Andy came to give it a go before he went to Badminton.  He picked it up almost immediately but being a long leggy being he looked a bit ungainly, like bambi on ice as he raced around the court with gusto.  It has been great to catch up with him again - can't believe it was five years ago and as he came dripping off the court I can't believe that Liselotte told her friend Yens that pickleball was a gentle game and he would hardly break into a sweat when playing!!

Our guests arrived around 5.30pm and because I know Marky-Mark loves a bit of sausage I had done good old comfort food - sausage, mash and onion gravy with garden peas and Nicky had provided the puddings having made a cheesecake and some lovely brandy snaps with a lemon mouse thing on top which was lovely.

Our big Friday night in ended just after 9.00pm when three of us waved the white flag and went to our beds!!

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