Monday 27 January 2020

January 2nd 2020

January 2nd 2020 and we have had storms throughout the night again and this morning was grey and miserable.  Our plans were to take down the Christmas decorations as we are now bored with them and the dust that they harbour.  First of all we had to take a quick trip down to Paphos to drop John's car off at the Peugeot garage to get the bumper sorted at long last.  The Pug has always had a wibbly bumper and at certain speeds vibrated in an alarming way.  This was not helped by the fact that one day when visiting Dad at the cemetery John managed to park so that his number plate went up and over a low kerb stone so that when he reversed the number plate almost parted company with the bumper and if he had done so at speed the bumper would have parted company with the car!!!  It was time to get said wibbly bumper fixed but for some reason it has taken the garage months to be able to source the correct parts or at least we hope they are the correct parts.  John feels that we should consider changing one or other of the cars but we have been undecided which it should be, both have their advantages and disadvantages - not least a wibbly bumper so time to get it fixed.

There is probably nowhere quite so grim as a Mediterranean holiday island when it is grey and raining and cold.  I had totally forgotten that 2nd January is a retail holiday for those workers who have worked so hard over the festive season and it seemed to be pretty much being adhered to everywhere today so although there were several things that we could have picked up had the shops been open they weren't so we couldn't.  The weather looked set for the day so we were going to head straight back home because the Pug is supposed to be sorted by tomorrow and we would then come back down, do the shopping we were unable to do today and restore the court markings for pickleball which resumes next week.  It then occurred to me that it would be sensible to do the court today whilst we were down because if the Pug wasn't ready tomorrow would have to come down simply to do the court which would be a bit of a waste.

We got in and got the lines laid pretty quickly.  We had done such a good job in places removing the old markings that we had a bit of a struggle to find where they had been but as we have to adjust the sizing to fit the room and we are all playing under the same conditions no-one will mind - they are clean and clear at least for a few weeks!!  I shall have to check who is available next week as I have a feeling we will be short on Friday so I will miss several weeks as I shall be away in the UK the following week.

Unbelievably as we emerged from the court to go home we were greeted with clearing skies and the promise of some sunshine.  You gotta love Cyprus where the weather can change in the blink of an eye.  Looking up the hills in the direction of Droushia it looked like it had even cleared up there which would be fantastic as it really has been soggy to say the least.

As we started to make our way back home we realised that we were both feeling a bit peckish and so as we were pretty close to Arabica decided that if it was open, which we doubted, we would call in and have brunch.  Blow me it was open and the sun was streaming into the front of the cafe so we sat just under the awning to have our brunch which was lovely and set us up for the remainder of the day which was to be one of tidying.

This was the view of the sea at Banana Bay - it was calm and the colours were unbelievable and if you had just arrived and missed the early morning deluge you could be forgiven for thinking you had arrived in paradise.  Sadly there are more severe weather warnings for tonight - we have always questioned the wisdom of marketing Cyprus as a winter sun destination and certainly the last few winters people must have been terribly disappointed.

We got home and I managed to get a load of washing out which just about dried - fortunately I can finish it off in the conservatory although we had to remove all the Christmas decorations in order to accommodate the airer.

It looks bare where the tree and the presents had been located but I felt great once it was all packed away and we had dusted and hovered and put the furniture back where it belongs.

Doing the washing made us realise that we had an unwelcome visitor.  During the cycle we realised that some water was seeping out from somewhere although not enough for there to be a split pipe.  We had to take the machine out of its hidey hole where we came across a mound of cat biscuits - clearly a little rodent had been studiously taking them out of the cat bowls and storing them.  This may even have been one of the pissed up mice, who knows, but we had to set a trap and although we thought the remains we found the other day may well have been what was left of the culprit we were surprised to find we had got another in the trap today.  This does make me feel sad but needs must.  There has been no evidence of it anywhere else save for the fact that the cats were have a long hard look under the kitchen cupboards the other day but we thought that was because they had lost a tied up wrapper which we give them to chase.  What the bloody hell are they doing or rather, not doing, though as surely rodent control is their raison d'etre???  Clearly not.  We have set the trap again, I have checked everywhere else for signs but found nothing but we are a bit confused - the mound of cat biscuits was sizeable and a mouse presumably can only move them one at a time so it had been doing so for a while - how come we hadn't noticed?

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