Saturday 18 January 2020

Mum goes home...

So Uncle Stan I know that by UK standards our Winters are a walk in the park but when we have a storm we have a storm.  This is not one of my photographs but it was taken in Paphos last night when the thunder and lightning were at their height - impressive!!!

We had more power outages and more hail during the night so I am not sure if Mum has had a decent night's sleep here over the last few days what with the storms and then the timer switch for her heater switching on yesterday and then not switching off leaving her boiling alive under a duvet and a throw.  At this rate she is going to be glad to get back to the safety and comfort of her own bed and Freddo for company.

Unbelievably after a stormy night, this morning all was calm, all was bright!!!  We had clear blue skies and some warmth in the sun - this is more like it!!!!  Mr Boo had ousted Miss Minnie from her perch and was getting some heat into his bones.  We had a leisurely breakfast and a shower and then got Mum packed up ready to return her to her house.  Whilst I was getting sorted (the blue skies had prompted me to get a load of washing in) she sat reading her Christmas Book - The Peshwari Nans and it was lovely to see her giggling to herself.  She says she can completely relate to the main characters which isn't surprising as they are two sisters in their 80s!!

With apologies for the dirty windscreen on John's car but this was a shot of the road at Banana Bay - full sunshine and fluffy clouds but the sea was pretty rough although that isn't clear in the photograph.  The temperature had risen to the low 20s and mad tourists could be seen in their t-shirts and shorts although thankfully not swimming in this stretch of water because there is a wicked rip tide here.

We are pleased to report that Freddo had a good stay at the Vets for Christmas but was very vocal when put back in the cat carrier for his short trip back home.  We have no idea how old he is - without a tooth in his head it is difficult to judge but he looks really well and apparently spent the festive break making friends with the cat in the cage next door.

We got Mum and Freddo home and settled, having ensured that the central heating would fire up after a bit of a rest and that Mum's TV would give her the opportunity to watch the darts as we had started to do so over the last couple of days.  Mum was going out to have her hair done and we were going back to have a bit of a sort out and a quiet evening in.  Can't believe that after all the stress and strain and preparation Christmas is done and dusted...
...until next year!!!

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