Sunday 25 October 2020

Some sort of normality returns...


After nearly 7 months we finally managed to restart pickleball proper after our open day yesterday.  It being Friday we start a bit earlier at 1.00pm and now we have temperatures and declarations and wet-wipes and sanitiser to deal with but we knew all about what was required of us and were all ready.  I think we had forgotten just how hot it gets in that room and the current temperatures are quite high so as a result we were all dripping after only an hour and still had an hour left to go!!!  It is good to be back doing some regular exercise.  I just hope that we have been successful in attracting a couple of new players.  Just looking at this photograph I would just like to point out that Keith does not have a question mark above his head - there is, quite disconcertingly, a scythe hanging from the wall - in fact there is more than one and they are balanced on the sensors for the alarm system so if you are unlucky enough to hit them with a ball all hell lets loose - I know because it has happened on several occasions!!

We went to see Mum afterwards.  I know she will be pleased that we are returning to something more like the routine we had before the world went mad - Fridays pickleball and a cuppa at hers (although then she was playing and now she is not) and Sunday lunch at ours.  John had a brilliant idea that, rather than us go to Mums after we have played pickleball and are hot and sweaty and, once the clocks change would mean we travel home when it is getting dark, we go beforehand and sometimes go for an early lunch out and sometimes have something simple like beans on toast at Mums.  We have agreed to meet at Arabica next week so that we can have brunch and by doing that Mum doesn't have to worry too much about what she is having for her tea.  It was good that Mum had been able to go to the dentists today and get her teeth sorted - they have made some adjustments and seem to be fitting better although there is still some residual soreness that needs to settle and for that she has been recommended salt water rinsing.

After having played yesterday and again today I was knackered and all I wanted to do was jump in the shower and cool down and freshen up.  We quickly called across at Lakis and Argy's to see how taking Kia to the home in Prodromi had turned out.  It was clearly emotional for all and far too early to know if it has been a success but fingers crossed it will be a good solution for all concerned.  We also touched base with Nicky and Mark who have had a busy week so we really haven't seen them much if at all.  They are fine and Mark looks so much better than he has done of late.

Our supper this evening was my take on a kebab although for some reason John seemed to think we were having sausage casserole (which was never going to be the case at we had eaten it earlier in the week!!).   We had some lovely Greek pittas which we had brought home with us from Kyparisos and I had some chicken kebab pieces in the freezer which I had had the foresight to take out this morning.  Served with a simple salad of tomato, cucumber, onion and coriander it was delicious.  

We did plan to watch a film recommended to us by Hazel but my head was nodding from about 8.30pm!  The film will have to wait.

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