Sunday 19 March 2023

A Trip to Mums

I was up and out early this morning as it was my regular trip down to Mum's.  I had stopped off at the Farmyard with the partially used bag of wood pellets that John was giving to Savvas.  Both Savvas and Rach were outside their flat so that was one errand ticked off the list.  One of my first stops was at the bank, parking in Sklavanitis because I am never sure on the progress of the extensive roadworks going on down that road.  It is beginning to look something like a road now with regular pull ins for parking which should make it better and safer providing that people can get away from the Cypriot requirement to park as close to the front door as humanly possible which often leads to double parking irrespective of the impact that has on other drivers!

Money got and cat litter got I carried on in a rather circuitous fashion down to the Mall but the parking gods were smiling at me because I did get as close to the door as possible which was something of a pleasant surprise.  Mum has admitted that walking around shopping isn't so easy for her with her bad back so I have said I will do any shopping she requires plus my own at the same time and if I am on my own I can go at my own pace because no matter how slowly I walk Mum is always about half a dozen steps behind - even when I grind to a halt!  She used to love shopping and I thought she would appreciate going out to different places with me on a Thursday (or whichever day it is I go down) but last week proved to me that this was a waste of time and she did confirm on Sunday that she had found it difficult - I just wish she had told me sooner.  So this week we agreed I would go do any shopping except for Lidl because Mum wanted to go and then I would get to her in time to go and have some lunch together.

Today we were going to the Amphitheatre Cafe in Tala which is one of Mum's favourites - I had made the mistake of wearing a jumper today albeit and thin one but when I left Droushia just after 9.00am it wasn't that warm - Mum feels the cold so it meant we would be sitting in the glassed in area or The Cookhouse as I like to call it!!!  I had to negotiate with Mum to sit in the smallest bit of shade that we could muster otherwise I could see I was going to expire.  We shared a sausage and onion panini.  They are quite large and I knew Mum had something to eat put out for later and John and I had leftover Thai takeaway so sharing was fine by me.  We went from there to Lidl and then to the Butchers before going back to Emba for a cup of tea and a jigsaw.  I had to redo the edges for Mum - to be fair it wasn't easy and she had made a reasonable stab at it but I realised as soon as she said she could find a couple of pieces that something was amiss.  It was my queue to leave once the edge was properly in place.

February continues to be a bit of a revelation in terms of the weather - today was glorious and we have been making good amounts of electricity after a bit of a shaky start.  Driving back along Banana Bay the sea looked incredible, so much so that I stopped and took a photograph.  I had a lovely if uneventful drive back home and John was waiting for me as I pulled up and helped me in with the shopping.  

We agreed upon an early tea followed by an early night as John had stayed up to watch the Blades miserable performance against Middlesborough last night and I hadn't slept well after he came to bed.  

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