Saturday 30 April 2011

1 Day to Go...

Our leaving do at the Bull turned out to be a great night and the pub did us proud. We put on a barrel of beer and two barrels of cider with a spread of cheeses, biscuits, french sticks, pickles, veggie sticks and pork pies. For a few minutes when we were waiting for people to arrive we worried that no-one would and that perhaps people didn't like us after all. We needn't have worried because shortly before 7.00 the first guest arrived (ugly bug ball mac) and thereafter followed a steady stream of friends. Some forty odd people had come from all stages of our married lives to wish us bon voyage. How strange it is when people get together and realise that they know other people there so we had little problem with people finding others to talk to. We finally got away at just before midnight having turned down Duracell Bunny Mrs Allan's pleas to go dancing!! Once home we sat and read the cards with more than a few tears being shed. You never quite realise the affect you can have on others.

This morning we rose on the day of the Royal Wedding to overcast skies. We walked up to Stephen and Catherine's to watch the ceremony with their children and Catherine's parents. It is so much more enjoyable to share moments like this with people who aren't Royal-Bashers. The wedding was spectacular and Britain did what Britain does best Royal occasions - it brought back memories of our trip to the Royal Garden Party.

From the Wilsons we moved on to Mark and Laura's en route to the Odcombe Street Party. By this time John was fading fast withe an uncustomary hangover - his age is catching up with him!! He worked his way through it and we spent a very pleasant and rain free afternoon in Odcombe with good friends, finishing up with a meal and Irish music in the Masons Arms.

We have had a difficult couple of days saying goodbye to our very special set of friends. Tomorrow we head up to Cookham to stay with Hils and Keith who will take us to Gatwick on Sunday. Our thanks to Laura and Mark who are taking us to Cookham in the trusty old hearse which we have signed over to them.

The Bloody Blackberry has done good once again!

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