Saturday 30 April 2011

Our Last Day...

I cannot believe that we have reached this point and it is our last full day in good old Blightey. I had a restless night as at some point the burglars came in and stole John and replaced him with an incredibly snorey man who woke in the middle of the night wrestling his pillows and asking what was going on with the gap beside the bed. Too much cider you might be asking yourself???

We finished our packing and this time John took notice of the scales and we reorganised and weeded out some bits. John was determined to take a jar of coffee for some reason that I cannot fathom I mean they must sell coffee in Polis surely?? I adopted my multi layer approach to clothing - Less in the suitcase and would have been fine as the forecast was iffy but it turned into a glorious day so I ended up sweating my ***s off!!

The first sad part of the day was saying goodbye to Stephen and Catherine caught in their jimjams early this morning. They obviously enjoyed their Royal Wedding day activities yesterday and were having a leisurely start to the day.

In true military fashion soon to be PO Pamment and Mrs P arrived early and we loaded up and off we went in the trusty hearse to Hils and Keith. After years of driving up and back to Cookham we had always promised ourselves a meal in the Jeckyl and Hyde so we decided to stop off with Laura and Mark. We had a lovely mezze type lunch which was supposed to be our treat but Mark got to the bill first - naughty man.

From there we got to Hils and Keith's and had a lovely walk in the Odney Club gardens. It prolonged the awful moment when we had to say goodbye which was always going to be hard. L&M have been great neighbours and even greater friends and we will miss them. It is good to know that the hearse has got them back to Yeovil safely. So thanks for everything Mr & Mrs P we will miss you.

We are now chilling after a lovely tea and I can safely say (as Keith has no super-injunction in place) that he and John are everso slightly socially confused after a couple of beers in Cookham!!

VERY BIG DAY tomorrow. Au Revoir dear friends and family we love you all xxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Bon Voyage and best wishes. Love from Jan, Mick, Lewis and Nathan (Nathan said a lot more, but I can't type that quick!). xxxx


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