Wednesday 27 April 2011

3 Days to Go...

We are now squatting in Laura's so that we can wait for the window cleaners to arrive and use the internet. 

John got up this morning and went off to the camp to see the Navy dentist to get his front tooth filling replaced for about the third time - ever the northerner he managed to fit in an appointment before leaving so that he didnt have to pay for it!!  He took the dentist in a box a chocolates - probably not politically correct but she was chuffed with them and John has grateful that she managed to squeeze him in (for the filling!!!).

We went back to the house this morning to check all was ok.  It looks clean enough but the grass could probably do with a cut and we no longer have a mower.  On closer inspection I decided it wasnt the grass but all the bloody daisies that made it look untidy so John and I spent about half an hour hand picking off the heads of the flowers - now that has got to be dedication surely???  We have now decided if the house doesnt pass muster then sod 'em they will just have to fine us.

Meter reading proved difficult because the gas box key snapped off and the electricity box we always opened with a letter opener and of course that has been packed - we had taken a knife with us but that didnt fit so we have had to borrow a screw driver from Laura.  Meters now all read and final bill paid for so one more tick in the box.

We shot off to Asda to get some bits and pieces for Friday and the street party that we are going to at Odcombe.  Hopefully we can finalise the details with Vicky and Trev when we meet up with them later at the Preston Hotel for a meal.

Window cleaners are due any time...  they had better turn up or John and I will be rolling our sleeves up and getting a chamois ('shammy') out!

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