Tuesday 26 April 2011

4 Days to Go...

First of all thanks to Alan and Janet for letting us tap into their internet connection so that I can do the blog for today - I will have to squat outside Geordie's house tomorrow!!

Today has been a special day in all sorts of ways.  First off it was my last visit to the hairdresser's - I have been going to Kim and Clyde's for over ten years.  I first went because after my hysterectomy I had to do a twenty minute walk every day and we had just moved into Fennel Way and the hairdressers was my benchmark.  I have never had a bad haircut there and you know how important it is to find a hairdresser you are comfortable with.  Mum has already tapped up her neighbour who used to work in a salon in Sherborne - it will help that we both speak the same language!!

Straight from the hairdressers we shot off to Rockbeare to meet up with Roger and Joani at the Jack in the Green for lunch.  We knew that it would be emotional because although we have only known them both for a fairly short time they have had a real impact on our lives and become really really dear friends - they were the best thing to come out of becoming a Soroptimist.  I know that Joani will be reading this so Joani can you email me your mobile number which for some reason I dont have and also let us have your Skype details - we absolutely promise to make sure that you can see more than the top of our heads and the ceiling!!

Lunch was absolutely lovely and I would recommend anyone who is travelling on the old A30 or even on the new A30 and fancies a detour to try it out.  It was a great choice and great company - even getting to see Daisy Dog - but it was very sad saying "Au Revoir" (not Goodbye).

With a bit of a lump in our throats we drove back to Somerset and straight to Keinton Mandeville to have dinner with Aunty Janet and Alan.  We had managed to save enough space to have the local faggots which are fantastic. 

Alan has done a huge amount of work on the back of their bungalow and in time it is going to be absolutely fantastic with views stretching to the Mendips at the front and over to Yeovilton at the back.  It is a bit strange seeing our old house at Cottons Lane - not knowing when we will see it again.

We know that we will see Janet and Alan (with Jane and John) on Thursday night when we have our drinks at the Bull and also again in September when they come over to Cyprus to see our new home and celebrate Dad's 80th birthday so our Au Revoir's with them wont be too bad.

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