Sunday 24 April 2011

6 Days to Go...

Well I am currently balancing the laptop on my lap (where else?) as we travel down the M5 on our way back from being oop t’North.  I am taking the opportunity to get the blog done early as we plan to quickly swing by the old MQs to use the router to download it because we aren’t anticipating having any such facility in the Flat.  We also need to pick up our towels and clear out the fridge.
We managed a lie-in this morning but woke to a very different day weather-wise than yesterday – boy were we lucky!  Today was grey and overcast and would have been too chilly to sit around outside.  Mick had gone off early this morning on a charity Easter egg run on his bike so John enlisted Nathan’s help to take down the gazebos  - he makes a great little helper if you can just get him to stop talking long enough to listen to instructions (Nathan of course not John!).
John’s mum joined us a little later to help with the remainder of the clearing up although Janice had done the majority of it before John and I had even opened our eyes.  It looked like the uneaten food had doubled in quantity overnight – I did warn Mick that he would be eating rolls and jacket potatoes for the rest of the week.
Taking advantage of my IT skills before I retire completely we took the opportunity to set up Skype and the webcam on John’s mum’s computer and our own and test it to make sure that we can make free video calls to one another in the future. We will be encouraging other friends and family to do the same because when it works it is a great way to keep in contact and as there is no cost it has to be a winner.   I know that Mum and Dad want to use the same facility to keep in touch with Kaye and of course they can use it to keep in touch with us so I will be nipping out this week to get a cheap webcam for them to use on their PC.
The time to say our good-bye’s came round all too quickly and it is a difficult time for us all – I feel guilty because I am moving to be closer to my parents whilst taking John further away from his.  Hopefully Janet, Janice and Wendy can conquer their fear of flying sufficiently to get on a plane at some point and come and see us.  Failing that then the lottery win is going to have to come in sooner rather than later so that they can do it in style by sea!
All in all we had a lovely couple of days and we realise how lucky we both are to have such great families.
Just had a phone call from Laura to say that someone is looking at our MQs!!!!
We have told her to tell them to hang on 10 minutes and we can let them in to see what is what...
...Now in Laura’s – have done the kind thing and shown the couple our old house – having a little drinkie with Laura – and about to have tea courtesy of Mark – oh how we will miss them!

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