Sunday 24 April 2011

7 Days to Go...

This will be brief - we are exhausted and emotional!!

It has been the most beautiful day today - in all ways.  The weather gods have been exceptionally kind because although we saw threatening clouds and heard great rumbles of thunder Staveley avoided the storms which hit Sheffield and saw hailstones the size of golf balls and flash floods.  In Janice's garden we had nothing but sunshine and laughter.

We woke this morning to glorious sunshine and looked out the window to see Mick and Janice laying out chairs and tables, umbrellas, bunting and lights.  The garden was transformed ready for the family party. 

Back at John's mum's the preparation for the feeding of the five thousand were well in hand and nothing was left to chance (except for the sweetcorn and non-squirty cream as we later found out!).  John's mum had even arranged for a special cake for John and I to mark the occasion.

The weather was absolutely glorious by the time people started to arrive at 3.00pm.  There were four different generations assembled and the little ones would have given the Duracell Bunny a run for its money - we got exhausted just watching them!

Everyone had a great time and now at 10.30pm we are having a quiet cup of coffee and chatting over the events of the day. 

Sorry for the brief report - hopefully we will get some photos soon and can post them for you all to see.

It has been a lovely day and we are grateful to everyone for giving us such a lovely send-off.

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