Friday 22 April 2011

8 Days to Go...

Today we both managed a lie-in at my sister's - waking at 7.30am instead of the usual 5.30am! (Probably because we were both exhausted from the previous two days).

The journey to Kaye's wasn't plain sailing as we had to come off of the M5 twice - the first time before we had even reached Bristol - there was an accident at junction 19.  We were caught up in stationary traffic and couldnt really see what was going on but we were lucky enough to be able to follow an artic up and over the junction so we missed the accident which was directly under the bridge - as we rejoined the motorway we could see everything behind us at a standstill - where it remained until the accident was removed from the carriageway.  Driving through Gloucestershire we encountered driving rain unbelievably and then further up the M5 rubberneckers on our side caused a hold up so we used our patented SatNav system (me and my freebie map from Screwfix) and came off and up the A38 to join the M42.

We had a nice family meal with Kaye, Richard, Matthew, Michael and a friend of Matthew's (sorry but I have forgotten his name).  Kaye will soon be suffering from empty-nest syndrome as Matthew has spread his wings and gone to live in a flat in Leamington. 

Anyway back to this morning we were lucky enough to sit outside and have our breakfast - surely there is something wrong here - the weather in Cyprus is not good but here in the UK we are enjoying mid-summer temperatures in April - what is going on??? 

We had a lovely morning taking a walk along the canal to a riverside pub so that we could have lunch together - fortunately we got there early and managed to get our food order in before the pub was absolutely toppers.

Richard was on standby for flatpacked furniture erecting but Matthew phoned to say that he had it in hand and the coffee table and TV stand were done.  We did feel the TV stand might need checking just in case!!! (those big flat screened TVs can still be quite expensive).

We said our farewells but know that we will all be together in August for Ellie and Andy's wedding and then again in September in Cyprus for Dad's 80th.  That will be such an achievement to have us all together in the summer as we havent been able to do that for years.  There will always be a bed for them at Droushia although they may have to come in shifts!!

Fortunately the trip from Warwickshire to Staveley was pretty uneventful with the traffic on the M42 and M1 quite manageable and the new junction 29a taking us directly to our destination. 

It looks as though there is going to be quite a family get-together tomorrow and we are very grateful to Janice and Mick for hosting it in their garden.  John's mum seems to be catering for an army and there looks to be enough booze to sink a battleship!  It looks like the weather is going to be kind to us and so we can be outside in the garden for the afternoon.

We are now taking a quiet few minutes out sat round the kitchen table having had a lovely Chinese - just preparing ourselves for tomorrow.

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