Thursday 21 April 2011

9 Days to Go...

OMG - we are now down to single figures.

An early blog today - just taking the opportunity to grab the internet whilst we can.  It is half past two and John and I are sat on the lounge floor surveying the emptiness.  We are waiting for the guys to finish all the packing.  John cannot believe how much they manage to fit into a small box van - even with his engineer's eye!!

Aaron and John have worked like absolute trojans as it is even hotter today - they have earned their doughnuts and Magnums which we supplied as they are well ahead of schedule and are now finishing off with the last of the stuff from the garage.

As soon as they have gone I am going to jump into the shower - I am absolutely leaping and my aching bones need some nice clean warm water on them.  Then it is a quick tidy and off oop t'North.

John had an interesting morning as he went off to collect the keys for the flat which will be our home from Sunday for the rest of our time here.  He thought he would take the opportunity to drop off some bedding and just take a quick look inside.  What he hadnt realised was that there are two sets of keys and there was in fact someone in the flat today.  He let himself in and realised that there must be an occupant or occupants - fortunately he/she/they were out and John didnt embarrass himself by walking in on them - he made quick exit, locked up and came back to Yeovil.  I hope the same thing doesnt happen to us - I shall insist we sleep with a chair propped up against the door just in case!

Not sure when the next blog will be - will have to grab an internet connection when we are oop t'North - they do have internet up there dont they in amongst England's dark satanic mills?? Only joking!!

In about half an hour's time all John and I will have is the clothes we are wearing and our bags which we have packed for our Easyjet flight next week.  This time I have insisted John weighs them and believes what the scales are telling him.  No excess baggage charges for us.

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