Thursday 21 April 2011

10 Days to Go...

Blimey what a day it has been - we are both knackered.  Having removed our blackout curtains we are now awake as soon as the sun is up and bearing in mind that the removal people were coming today John and I were awake well before the alarm (set for 6.45am!!!) in fact we were up at the crack of sparrows.

Our removers arrived at the same time as the recycling wagon - typical!!!

Aaron and John looked about twelve - in fact my John wasnt even sure that Aaron should be driving but it transpires that they are both in their mid twenties and two very nice and very hard working guys who worked like troopers on what must be the hottest day of the year - hot here but p***ing down in Cyprus according to Mum.

We kept A&J supplied with copious amounts of tea, coffee, coke (the beverage), orange juice and ice lollies and they packed and packed and packed - we are very impressed by the care that they took with our belongings although Aaron nearly cried when he saw the amount of Denby he had to deal with.  He feels we would be as well just to have one cup, one plate, one dish each!!

Anyway by the time they left this evening the whole of the ground floor of the house was empty and I had made good progress with cleaning the kitchen. 

They left our bed so we are able to stay at the house this evening so we can be up bright and early again tomorrow.  Aunty Janet had been kind enough to offer us a bed this evening - which was so kind of her but really it is better for us to be here and we are going to be going over to see her for tea next week anyway.

We had to eat our tea sat outside sat on a couple of loungers as we no longer have any chairs - but it was a beautiful evening so we really didnt mind.  I cant say I really like drinking gin and tonic out of a knickers and bra mug but needs must...

This evening we walked into town.  It was the crib league singles competition preliminary rounds and we had been entered in before we realised that the finals would be played after we leave on May 1st.  Not to worry though because John and I both lost in the third round fairly and squarely.  I lost to a fellow Standard A team member (Terry Simons) so hopefully he can go on and win the whole competition.

It really is beginning to feel like the end of an era.  We are sat in the lounge on the floor just surveying what is left to be done tomorrow.  As soon as A&J leave we are off to my sisters and then from there up to Chesterfield to say our goodbyes to John's family.

It will be emotional.

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