Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 10...

Well I have absolutely no idea what occurred at the drinkies evening yesterday with Mum and Dad's neighbours but suffice to say I had to do a Tommy Allan and take myself off to bed long before the others finished but not before I had done my usual trick of knocking over a glass of red wine.  I am such a lightweight these days when it comes to drinking - I swear someone slips something into my glass when I am not looking because one minute I am ok and the next I am like Tom (from Tom and Jerry) and my eyes are registering FULL.

I woke this morning with the hangover from hell - not helped by the incredible snorey one lying next to me - the reverberations must have been what caused the cobblers in my head to hammer on overtime.  I had to creep downstairs and beg some paracetemol from Mum and then skulk back for an hour - my headache did reduce slightly but was replaced by an overwhelming feeling of nausea - this on a day when we had to get up early and travel the thirty kilometers to Droushia.  Sympathy, John tells me, is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary which means that I dont get any and that is all well and good for him as he never ever has a bloody hangover!

I clutched my water like my life depended on it all the way there - and fortunately I wasn't sick but it really wasn't the best start to the day.  Never Again ... until the next time!

A real red letter day today as the men were coming to fit the kitchen doors.  We think they are Bulgarian - whatever it is that they are, one thing is for sure, they are very hard workers.  John was armed with a snagging list and to every point he raised he got the usual 'no problem'.  Whilst they got on with the job in hand Dad continued to make sure that the pool is clean and Mum and I set to, painting the room which will be John and my bedroom.  John put extra coats on the 'accent' wall in the other building.  It was quite cool up at Droushia this morning - but then it might have been because my blood had been severely thinned by all the alcohol.  Anyway you can see from the photographs how much they managed to achieve today - SF is giving it the once over!!!  They are returning to finish tomorrow - not too much left, mainly drawer fronts and all the door handles.  It is beginning to look really special and we will have to take our time to make sure that the tiles we choose do it justice.

John's Mum got a live transmission of all the work as John was able to Skype her and carry the laptop round so that she could see what we were all doing and the progress that was being made.  The wonders of modern technology makes keeping in touch so much easier and experiencing it in real-time is an added bonus.  We are still waiting to hear from any of you others that have Skype details so that we can get in touch - so pull your fingers out Hazzells, Allans, Stubbins, Pamments etc etc etc - remember you piso-gits that it is FREE!!

We managed a break at lunchtime and I had perked up sufficiently to be able to face some lunch so we went into the village to eat at Christos' Taverna which has a lovely outside courtyard covered with vines and a very traditional inside with natural stone walls and simple furniture.  This is one of three tavernas in the village (that we know of) and it is good to have a choice particularly if we have visitors come and stay with us.  It will give us somewhere to walk to of an evening.  Fed and watered John and I ventured down to the WI to check for post and were pleasantly surprised to have five envelopes - it is soooo exciting when post comes so thanks to the Pension people for finding us, to Wendy and family, Frank Kate and family, Sally Tommy and family, and Greg and the boys for their cards.

The afternoon saw us finish all the paint so we had to hang around waiting for the kitchen guys to finish.  I nearly managed to sever mum's finger by trapping it in the Z-Bed as we tried to move it - it must have really hurt and I felt awful about it.  She has, however, lived and provided us with yet another lovely tea this evening - hangover gone I was starving and really really enjoyed the chicken casserole and dumplings.  John is perfecting the noble art of Brandy Sour making - his first effort scored about a B+ (could do better) so we are now about to sample his second offering.  It is only 7.30pm but we are all flagging - it looks like it will be a quick best of three in cribbage before we all head up the stairs to Bedfordshire.

Another action packed day in the lives of J&J Wiseman!!

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