Thursday 12 May 2011

Day 11...

Today is Thursday and I woke feeling like a human being - no headache and no nausea - there is a God!!!

It was just John and I up at Droushia today and the weather threw everything it could at us.  We arrived to grey skies.  The wind picked up and it got greyer and greyer.  Then the heavens opened...   John and I were stuck in one building and Igor (kitchen guy) was stuck in the other building - we could barely see one another.  We then experienced our first thunderstorm in Droushia and it was a cracker as it was directly overhead with forked lightening and deafening claps of thunder - John said I wasn't to worry as it was only the clouds 'singing' - God knows what - I think they must have been embracing heavy metal!!! 

When we were in Greenwood Road we had quite a number of golf-type umbrellas, most of which were courtesy of Porter Dodson.  We have now realised that we left the buggers in the car and handed them over to Laura and Mark.  Boy did we need them today.  We will have to ask them if they will bring them out to us when they come over or they are going to get very wet running between the buildings if it rains - October can be unpredictable!!!

The storm lasted the best part of the day so we got stuck into painting the bedrooms whilst Igor (from Georgia) finished off the Kitchen.  We didn't think he had an awful lot to do but he arrived at 10.00 and worked through until 3.30pm without a break.  At one point John offered him a coffee but it obviously wasnt to his liking as we found it later un-drunk.  We felt a bit guilty eating our chicken stew lunchtime and even offered him some but I think he was too busy or thought that if John's coffee was anything to go by he would be better declining!

This is a picture of the completed kitchen - well complete except for the tiling and the appliances being fitted (which John will do).  We are VERY VERY pleased with the finished article.  We can't believe that we have been able to get a hand built solid wood kitchen with granite work tops for £5K - we can remember buying a B&Q kitchen when we moved into Glenthorne Avenue 20 years ago and we paid about £4K for that and it was nowhere near the quality plus John and our friend Jerry Grant had to fit it.

In fact John was so pleased with the work that Igor and Ivo did that he did a most un-Wiseman like thing and tipped them both €20 for their hard work - it should pay for them to have a drink or two on us.  They were both nice guys, worked hard and had pride in what they did.

The next shot is one for Laura who I know loves insects!!!  This is a hornet that met it's maker in our swimming pool today and the finger belongs to John so that you can get some sort of idea of its size.  I think I am right in saying that if one of these buggers stings you then you have to get yourself off to hospital for an antidote.  As we haven't yet registered at Polis hospital we are steering well clear of these.

Bit of a faux-pas coming home from Droushia as we got halfway to Emba when I questioned whether or not the bedroom door had been locked.  I knew that I hadn't locked it but John wasnt sure so we turned round and went all the way back to find that it was in fact locked.  As John wasn't cross with me I can only assume he had locked it and hadn't remembered.

We took a load of old carpet runners down to the local vets which acts like a PDSA to see if they could make use of them.  They were delighted and it is so much better to find someone that wants these things rather than throw them away.

Back home we have just enjoyed some proper Cornish pasties - we are managing to stay up a little bit later tonight - could be a full five hands at Crib tonight!!

Thanks for all the emails today from friends and family - it is lovely to hear from you all.

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