Friday 13 May 2011

Day 12...

Not much to report today as we were decorating and tidying - you can see from the picture opposite that the main lounge/dining room area is now complete and we have moved a lot of the stuff out of the way - if we were up there permanently the sunbeds would be outside - but just in case anyone takes a shine to them whilst we are staying in Emba we have kept them inside - they are quite expensive out here so we don't want to have to replace them!

We concentrated on the two bedrooms today but unfortunately ran out of paint so they will be completed tomorrow or Sunday. 

Whilst waiting for the paint to dry we took a trip down into Polis to see what we had to do in order to get registered for health care having already got our S1 forms.  We managed to find the hospital - interesting to say the least but it has an accident and emergency department and paediatrics from what we can tell - anyway they directed us back to the Citizens Advice Bureau which they call the Citizens Service Office which we eventually found having parked up and walked away from it!  Nothing can be done until we get our Aliens card and that wont be until our appointment on 16th June at Immigration.

Calling back through the village we stopped off again to see if we had any post - the last couple of times the building has been empty so I havent had the honour of meeting the WI of Droushia.  Today though they were all in having their lunch - not a full set of teeth between them!!  All very pleasant and we managed our two words of Hello and Thanks whilst we sorted our post - the Royal Mail redirection service has now kicked in so we are getting all the junk mail from the UK!

Once again the weather in Droushia bucked the trend elsewhere so we had more thunder and lightening and heavy rain - we must have an eco-system all of our own centred above 10b!  Still I should be ok for having a bit of a garden and trying to grow stuff having given up my corner of Trevor's field to the Pamments for safekeeping - I am not sure I will get it to look as good as my 'patch' last year but I am throwing a pepper growing challenge to Mark and Trevor - let's see who can grow the best!

Back home without a detour tonight because we made sure we knew who had locked which doors we called in to pay for the kitchen and to get the granite splash backs altered to fit the space. 

Tonight we all went as a family to Mandria for fish and chips and a bottle of beer.  John managed to secure us a table inside as it can be quite chilly for eating food otherwise and Dad hates to eat outside.  Our big night out saw us return home by 8.15pm!!

More of the same tomorrow but we will have TLH with us - SF is going walking - sensible man!

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