Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 14...

A short blog tonight because someone who will remain nameless has left the camera up at Droushia and we have only just got in from our meal but I couldn't miss tonight as it will be the one hundreth post I have made since I started.

I had a day of rest today because Hilary was calling in for coffee this morning.  John and Dad went up to Droushia to do a couple of chores and to meet Tim who is giving us a quote for boxing in the ceilings so that we can insulate.

The weather today in Paphos has been very strange with thunderstorms and heavy rain although none up in Droushia for once.

The sun did come out this afternoon and I had about 30 minutes snoozing in the sun - the first time since we arrived.

This evening Mum, Dad, John, Angela and Richard went across for drinkies at Trish and Alan's - after my experience earlier this week I took the coward's way out and chose to drive.  From there 15 of us have been out to the Apomero restaurant to catch up with Hilary who will be busy for the rest of the week in rehearsals before the concerts at the end of the week (Keith arrives tomorrow).  I can only speak for those of us that had the mezze - it was absolutely superb and a really interesting range of dishes for us to eat - far too much and by the time we got to the meat course we were all stuffed.

I would say that the menfolk of this household are just a little socially confused this evening - I blame Alan and his more than generous hosting skills.

Just listening to Mum and Dad skyping my sister and family - the wonders of technology!!!   Happy Birthday to my godson Matthew xxxx

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