Monday 16 May 2011

Day 15...

We started off today with an admin day.  The car had to go back to the garage to have the driver's seat adjusted as it rocked a bit so we dropped it off at 9.00am and told them we would be back at 11.00am. 

We had to get Mum's driving licence down to Mr Fixit to get it renewed, visit the electricity board for an update on the ongoing saga of our electric (waste of time as John didnt have the job number), take Mum's phone back to Cyta to have the SIM card replaced, get yet another 10 litre box of red wine from the Butchers (he must think we are serious drinkers as this is the fourth one we have purchased in about 10 days!!) have a look at wall tiles, go to the swimming pool shop to check out sand filters and fit in a coffee in Paps where they now have all new furniture - how on earth did I ever find time to work???

The car was sorted for 11.00 and so John and I went on up to Droushia to pick up the things that were left there yesterday and get a bit more painting done.  The picture will show you how far the kitchen has got.  The sink, extractor, hob and oven are to be fitted properly but John has put them in place so that I can see how it is coming together - of course we would have seen this photograph yesterday had SOMEONE not forgotten the camera!!

It was the most beautiful day in Droushia today - sunny and bright with a warm wind.  When we had finished at the villa we did our normal trip down to the village to look for our post - it is most exciting to see whether or not we have anything - and at the moment generally we do, even if it is just some unsolicited rubbish forwarded by the Royal Mail.  The picture opposite is the building where we go to pick it up just so you can see how quaint and traditional it is plus you could get a coffee and a sandwich whilst you are sorting through the communal box!

We raced back home as Mum and Dad were putting on a barbecue for Dave and Rose next door and Rose's sister Lynne and her husband David.  As Rose and Lynne both lived in Sherborne in their youth and Lynne met her husband David at the Cross Keys pub in Sherborne and Dave is from Radstock we all had something in common and knew some of the same people or places - we all agree it is a small world and that as you get older it gets smaller. 

The barbeque started at 4.00pm and we finally said goodnight to them at 9.30pm. Everyone agreed it was a lovely afternoon/evening and as always Mum and Dad supplied a first class barbeque which included sheftalia, burgers, spare ribs, sausages (two sorts), lounza, haloumi, salad, dips and potatoes.  Rose brought a beautiful pudding from Morello and a selection of cheese and biscuits.  A fair old amount of wine, beer and port was imbibed so I am expecting the snorey thing to be back in my bed again tonight - deep joy!

I am being given the day off tomorrow - I am baking a cake in readiness for Mum's birthday on Wednesday and making up the numbers for pickle-ball.  John will be finishing the painting in Droushia hopefully.

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