Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 16...

I was allowed a lie-in today which was very welcome as the snorey man was about again last night.  In fact when I went to bed last night the incredibly snorey man was flat out in bed with Mum and Dad's cat Ugly Betty (Missy) stretched out between his legs.

UB is not allowed in our bedroom - but obviously took advantage of snorey man's social confusion to sneak in and make herself comfortable.  She is a dead weight I can tell you and I was pleased when she decided she was too hot and moved.  She is lovely but you cant pick her up so you have to wait for her to decide that she wants to move - she only went as far as the floor and I had visions of snorey man getting out in the night and standing on her - fortunately she moved out completely and took up her normal residence on the landing.

I stayed at home whilst John went up to Droushia.  My first job was to make Mum a birthday card for tomorrow as I wasn't going to get near a shop today.  I was limited to the bits and pieces that mum had for me to make something so it was nowhere near Mrs Hazzell's standard and even worse I had it in my head that mum was 75 tomorrow and bless her she is going to be 76 so there is a small amount of Tippex on the inside!

My second job was to make one of my citrus drizzle cakes for the people who will be dropping in tomorrow for tea and stickies.  Fortunately that seemed to turn out ok so visitors wont go hungy tomorrow.

There was great excitement this morning as Mum was able to Skype her sister and brother-in-law in Australia - Aunty Phyl has been very poorly but is currently back home with Si recuperating.  It made all their day's to be able to see and speak to one another.  Fortunately Si's brother is staying with them and set up Skype for them as soon as we had mentioned it.  They are going to do it again tomorrow for Mum's birthday.

Mum and I went off to play pickle-ball this afternoon - boy was it hot and sultry on the court - we think it was about 30 degrees and there were only four of us so I didnt get a chance to loaf on the sidelines.

More excitement today because John's lump sum has hit our bank account and I have been able to arrange with First Direct to get it transferred over to our sterling account here.  We just need his pension payment to come through regularly and that will be one more tick in the box.

John had a successful day, the painting of the second bedroom is now complete along with the shower room - the decorating so far has been for a freshen up and not as comprehensive as it could have been as we still have the gloss work to do at a later date.  We have had it confirmed that the ship with our worldly goods is due to arrive this weekend and so we should be unpacking our belongings a few days later.  That will be exciting.  We are going to be very green and use the cardboard and paper blankets from the packing as the insulation in the false ceilings that we are creating.


  1. its a beautiful card your mum will love it - wish her a happy birthday from us all - Vic Trev & trace

  2. not bad what you can do when you set your mind to it!!!


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