Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 18...

I had yet another day at Mum's today whilst Dad and John went up to Droushia to plant the fruit trees and to meet the pool engineer who was coming to see whether or not we could have a sand filter fitted which is essential if we are ever going to get the water crystal clear.

There will be limited photographs today because some muppet forgot the camera yet AGAIN!!!

Mum and I had a girlie shopping morning.  We went to the Euro shop to stock up on toiletries because they are by far and away cheaper there than anywhere else and, if you are into Boots Botanics or Sanctuary smellies, they are an absolute bargain there.

We then stopped by the London Supermarket garden centre for a closer look at the plants they had on sale.  I was trying to find the flower opposite that we had seen at the golf club yesterday.  I thought it would look nice in the blue pots that are coming out in the container.  I eventually found them and they are called something like Limona - they looked like overblown Statice.  When the time comes I shall get a couple.

We managed to pick up Mum's log book for her Nissan Note and her renewed driving licence from Mr Fixit before going down to Homebase and Debenhams for a wander.  Being tightfisted pensioners we decided not to have a coffee out but came home.

This afternoon we both played pickle-ball with Eric and David.  The temperature on the court must have been over 30 degrees and with only the four of us I found the hour and a half pretty hard going - I was more than a little bit sweaty by the time we had finished. 

John and Dad managed to get the trees planted and deal with the pool engineer who thinks that to be on the safeside we should replace quite a lot of the pool controls, pump, box etc rather than keep replacing bits as they age.  He is probably right as it will all have been there over 10 years and hasnt ever really be maintained properly.

On returning from pickle-ball John and I had a quick dip in Mum's pool - it was one of those 'nice when you get in' moments but it still isnt as warm as it normally is at this time of the year.  Still at least it looks like the dust is no longer hanging around in the atmosphere - it was certainly hotter and clearer today.

We had a phone call from Hils and Keith who were taking a break from their band practice and having a few beers in Rico's bar down on the sea front.  I dont have a photograph but if you wanted to see what it is like you can get a piece of video here:

One of Mum and Dad's neighbours plays in the band and he was originally from Gorran Haven which is not a million miles from where Dad was born and brought up!  His name is Simon and his wife is Mel, they rent one of the houses behind Mum and Dad but have today also bought a little house in Droushia as a bolt-hole.  One of the other members of the band also has a house in Droushia - one that I have always liked the look of - Number 13 we call it.  We have now increased the number of people be know in Droushia by 100%!!

This evening the wonders of Skype brought friends and family even closer with us being able to connect to Aunty Vera (Dad's sister in law) in Canada and also my godmother Janet from Keinton Mandeville.  Both of them in fine form and so much the better for being able to see them as well as to speak to them.  It will be so much easier to keep in contact with them in the future and for them to be able to see where we live and what we look like.  We got Janet to carry the laptop around the house so that we could see the extension that they are in the middle of building - so much easier to see it than try to visualise it.  We shall do the same up in Droushia.

Our conversation with Aunty V prompted her to get in touch with Dad's brother Doug who also phoned this evening.  He doesnt have Skype but will try and use it when he next visits his daughter Nicole. 

Mum and Dad are now Skype evangelists - what have we started I wonder!!!

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