Friday 20 May 2011

Day 19...

Our day started with a trip to the Bank to see the Bank Manager.  Trying to sort out our money is proving interesting as we have a variety of accounts, some in joint names, one in my name only and one that Dad is also an attorney on which causes all sorts of problems so we tried to get them sorted.  Not so simple as we found out!!!  We sort of got most of what we wanted done but will need to go back in again next week when hopefully the pound will have bucked its ideas up a bit. 

John and I then went round to Angela and Richard's to pick up the remainder of the plants which Angela has been growing for us.  Unfortunately Richard is poorly with his heart again and in hospital needing to have his heart stopped and restarted which he has had done before.  We wish him all the best and hope to see him fighting fit very soon.

Just John and I up at Droushia today.  On the left is a photograph of the Lime and Lemon trees which John took yesterday and on the right is a photograph I have taken today - I swear they look like they have grown. 

We have put the marigolds that Angela grew round the base of the trees as they are companion plants and may keep some bugs from making their home in the trees.

The cucumber plants I have put on the left of the lime tree - they have two chances - hopefully they will make it and it gives me a bit of garden interest although not on the scale of Trev's field.

Indoors we have one room left that needs our attention and it is what I call the 'downstairs toilet' which is a bit daft really because everything is on one level!  It is the loo in the 'main building' as opposed to the shower room which is over with the bedrooms.

Here you can see me mastering the art of getting paint in my hair, down my arms, cleavage and all other points South.  I am precariously balanced on dad's step ladder.   John was busy skyping his mum!!

We have decided that although the white is nice and clean it is impossible to see where we have painted until it dries and then it is pretty obvious so we are going for a hint of white to make it easier to see what we have done and chosen the lightest colour from the spectrum we chose for the lounge and bedrooms.

It really is the most beautiful time of the year in Droushia as the days are clear and the smells from all the wild flowers and herbs growing around us is fantastic.  The gardens are awash with colour and smell and the bees are working overtime - no shortage of them over here and I guess the honey that they make would be absolutely wonderful. 

Whilst watching the bees at work I noticed that we have numerous hummingbird moths feeding from the lemon scented geraniums. 

They move so quickly I havent been able to get a decent photograph so I found this on the internet one so that you can see how beautiful they are and how they got their name.

Having completed all our jobs for today we went into the village to check on post - non today which was disappointing - and to have a quick drink in the taverna and speak to Alkisti about organising a late Sunday lunch for Hilary and Keith and possibly others from the band who are performing up at the Fly Again in Argaka on Sunday Night.  It will be 'no problem' - the stock Cyprus answer!!.  Her courtyard is filled with lots of different and beautiful flowers - I have absolutely no idea what sort of succulent this one is but it is weird and wonderful.  Anyway Alkisti is going to give me some cuttings of her hydrangea's in the spring because she tells me that they grow well in Droushia but whatever colour you buy they always come back the next year pink.

A special treat for Mum tonight as we picked up a KFC so that we could have a quick meal before we all went off to the Tala amphitheatre for the swing concert that Hils and Keith were playing in.  It was a really good concert but a balmy evening it was not - we were well wrapped up with towels to keep our legs warm but we really could have done with some thicker cushions as our bums are not meaty enough to sit on concrete for nearly three hours!!!  Undeterred we are discussing what we need for the next time we go - off to see an Elvis and Michael Buble tribute in July - a family outing as Dad has agreed to go as well - we either have to buy thicker cushions or fatten up his bum!

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