Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 23...

I look singularly unattractive today...

My lips are very very dry from the sun and the only lippie thing I can find is factor 100 or something and white so I look like an Australian cricketer.  In fact with my sun-bleached hair and shape and size from a distance I could be mistaken for Shane Warne except I dont have Liz Hurley on my arm and my leg spin bowling isn't much to talk about. 

Also, during the course of yesterday or last night, some sort of mossie thing (a no-see'em) decided to have a damn good munch on my left leg and it is covered in about a dozen bites the size of 50p pieces - I ressemble some sort of dot to dot puzzle and they itch like buggery (sorry Mum for the expletive!!).

If I thought I was tired yesterday then I was completed deluded because tonight both John and I are absolutely knackered.  We went up to Droushia early because the rooms had to be cleared so that we could start boxing in the ceilings (insulation will have to be inserted after our furniture arrives) and Tim and Gavin were going to arrive at about 8.30am.

John had to call into the DIY shop today to reinact a scene from the two Ronnies as he was in search of a 'fork handle' - actually it was a spade handle but that isnt quite so amusing. We also needed a wheelbarrow - cant believe we left ours up at Trev's field as a new one cost us the best part of 60 euros!

Proceedings started with John, Tim and Gavin having some sort of 'planning' meeting but they looked more like the Droushia arm of the WI!  When Dad came up the three muskateers were still at the planning stage and so Dad joined me in finishing the staining of the remainder of the planks.

The house and garden ressembled a woodyard or builders merchants because there is stuff absolutely everywhere.

As the boys got on with the the indoor jobs Dad and I finished the staining, cleared some of the garden waste, tidied the bay tree, cleaned the pool, second coated the 'downstairs toilet' and treated the walls with sealant.  In the end we just ran out of jobs for Dad to do so he managed to get away early to mid afternoon.  As always we were very grateful for his help.

Typical man, Tim had estimated that the job would be 'fairly easy' and take a day - good job he hired the scaffolding for two days because by the end of this afternoon we were all absolutely done in and the lounge was three quarters completed, John had managed to do half of one of the bedrooms and there is the other bedroom untouched.

Still I think you will agree that what has been done so far looks really good and it will make a huge improvement to the house. 

I dont like to admit it but I made Gavin two cups of coffee today - I told him he had to drink them because as anyone who worked with me will tell you I do not make coffees.  In fact Gemma used to mark it on the calendar if I actually got off my backside and made one!

We all finished up at about 5.00pm completely knackered.  Tim had to do a modification on the radiator cap on his car before he could set off for Peyia!

John and I called in on the fruit seller on the Polis Road and picked up a kilo of strawberries for tonight's tea.  We both collapsed into the pool before enjoying a lovely barbeque.  It is now half past eight and John and I are throwing in the towels and retiring to bed.  Another early start beckons for us tomorrow but we have to get the work finished as we think our furniture is arriving at the end of the week so the scaffolding has to be gone.

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