Wednesday 25 May 2011

Day 24 ...

Hello blog-watchers - daily update started early today - I am just waiting for the three mustketeers to finish the other bedroom so I am currently surplus to requirement for a few seconds and thought I would get ahead of the game.

We had a right old laugh this morning - do you know the very bizarre thing about having the I-Pod on shuffle is that periodically you will be working away in 30 degrees of heat and all of a sudden you will hear "Do They Know its Christmas?"  I cant imagine it being cold up here but we know it is going to be at some point and the properties in Droushia qualify for a heating allowance so there is no two ways about it - it will be cold.  We will be grateful for the goosedown toppers for the bed and the tog tropical duvet coming out in the container!

We are contemplating having a cat at some point but with us going up and back it doesnt seem fair at the moment plus we know that there are at least 10 ferral cats being fed up the road which would probably beat the cr*p out of any moggie we have.

In the meantime John (all heart) tells me to make do with the indigenous wildlife so today we were greeted by the creature on the left outside our front door.  I christened him David Cameron the PM (praying mantis) and he sat there watching us for an hour or so. 

Unfortunately two or three of his cabinet were found all at sea in the swimming pool - one of which I did manage to rescue in time for it to dry out and fly away - what fascinating things they are and a really pretty green and pink colour which I couldn't really capture properly.  My other surrogate pet for the time being is the leaf moth which is outside on the wall by the fruit trees - for all I know it is probably the worst thing to be near a lemon and a lime tree but it is very pretty nontheless.  I will be able to get a better idea of what is what when my books arrive which are in the container as I think I have one which is about the wildlife of Cyprus.

Good progress was made today and all three ceilings have now had their wooden overcoats put up and are just waiting for the insulation to be put inside once our furniture arrives and for some beading to be put down the edges just to finish it off.
We are very pleased with the end result and we think it will make a huge difference in the winter.  We just need to get a new fan for the lounge as we moved that one into our bedroom as the one in the bedroom was knackered.

This afternoon great excitement as we had a phonecall to say that our furniture is arriving with us on Friday so it will be all hands on deck getting the villa cleaned tomorrow in readiness.  I cant believe that the time has come and we will be moving in and leaving the very passable B&B we have been staying in at Emba.

We are currently having a planning meeting with Mum and Dad so that we know what we are doing tomorrow.  I have to be back down in Emba tomorrow for about 6.00pm as Rosie next door is cutting my hair and I cant wait!

Any of you readers who are interested in the Band that we went to see on Friday should know that their final concert in Argaka was interesting to say the least.  Apparently there is some sort of feud between the Taverna where the concert was being held and the neighbouring dwelling (formerly a taverna and some sort of family relation).  The neighbour took umbrage and (a) called the police to make sure that there was a licence for the concert (b) got p***ed off by the drummer's solo and decided to drench him with a hose and finally (c) pitched up with a shotgun!!!  and they say swing band music is boring!!!

1 comment:

  1. great photos - learn loads reading this blog - place is looking good - it will be like christmas unpacking your boxes better get that ipod shuffle at the ready


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