Sunday 29 May 2011

Day 28...

A late post tonight because we have been out with Mum and Dad - but more of that later...

So, if you are planning on coming to visit us in May what will the weather be like? ...  Let's just say that this year it is most unusual and bloody wet!!!  During the night I was woken by a thunderstorm - not because of the thunder but because of the lightening.  I thought I could see someone with a flashlight so I woke John and told him - so at 1.38am we were outside having a look at what was going on - and then we heard the thunder and we knew!!!  John was awake again 4.58 am for some reason and then he got up at 6.22 to make coffee.  I can't be more precise than that sorry!!!  Anyway needless to say it was quite early when we got up and started to tackle more boxes.

At one point John went out to the shed to get some tools and it was raining soooooo hard that he was stuck in there.  I was peering out of the Kitchen door trying to take his photograph. Fortunately it isnt cold just bloody inconvenient!!!

During the course of unpacking today I came across a belated birthday present from Vix and Trev.  They had got us a digital photograph frame and filled it with lots of memories of our times together.  I have to say I had a little tear today when I saw it.  All good times and with good friends.  Hopefully they will come out and see us and we can add to those photographs with new memories.

We have worked really hard today and made good progress although at times it feels like we are just treading water!!  Fortunately our bedroom is just about square although the same cannot be said for the spare room which is still packed to the gunnells with boxes.  John managed to get our bedroom ceiling insulated so we only have the spare room left.  We need to get it sorted so that we can have Mum and Dad (and others) to stay. 

We also managed to get most of the kitchen and lounge/diner cleared and tidied so that it feels more like home.  Good job as Mum and Dad were coming over tonight and we wanted to be able to offer them a seat and a drink.

Tonight we were invited to the Elia Village at Latsi for a 'cultural evening' which was being organised by Philippos Droushiotis who was Manager at the Droushia Heights Hotel and responsible for the rental agreement on our villa. 

It is he who is supposed to be organising our electricity to be separated from next door.  He is a man who is always busy and tends to talk to you and be on the mobile phone at the same time!

Anyway we had a lovely evening - it started with a tour of a new private museum and then a very very nice meal.  Entertainment was provided by a guitarist and a singer who were both excellent.  We all enjoyed ourselves but called in a night at about 10.00 - Mum and Dad came back for a quick best of one (Crib) played on a squiggly board this time but Dad and I still won!  Mum has just phoned (11.15pm) to say that they have got home safe and sound.

We are both knackered and John has to be up early and in Paphos at 9ish to take the car to the garage so I will bid you all goodnight.

Love to you all xxx

1 comment:

  1. I was beginning to think that you had forgotten the blog! I thouight I'd check it once again before going to bed. Got to be up at 'silly o'clock' to be at the airport. Off to Madeira leaving Daisy in charge of Roger at home. Its all starting to look pretty cosy up there at Droushia. TTFN x


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