Tuesday 31 May 2011

Day 29...

Well it has been an action-packed day today and apologies to my faithful followers that tonight's post is late in fact so late that it is actually tomorrow's post and that is because John and I have been out on the town tonight with Costas and Jackie...

I am getting better at sleeping now and it is all worth it when you wake up to this view out of the bedroom window.  This was taken at about 7.30am this morning and it was my turn to go across to the Kitchen and get the coffees in today which is no hardship when the sun is shining but in the winter that will be a different story! 

John had to be in Paphos for 9.00 to take the car to the garage to get the timing sorted and so I was going to be on my own here for the first time.  More unpacking to do but I managed to get through another three boxes and a couple of suitcases before I had a phonecall from Laura which gave me the opportunity to sit down for 15 minutes and catch up with the news from Greenwood Road.  It was really good to hear from her.

John came back from Paphos in Dad's CRV as we had to leave ours at the garage for the day.  He wanted to get the sink sorted as I am getting fed up with having to do the washing up in the shower!!  However it was like an audition for the Krypton Factor.  So many bits of plumbing stuff and no clue as to how it all fitted together!!  I can see we will be tackling this again in the morning and may have to resort to the tintyweb to see if we can find any clues there.

We were very surprised to get a knock on the gate and have a visitor this afternoon.  Philippos came along to see what we had been doing to the house - let's hope he manages to get the electricity sorted soon!

We went back down to Paphos this afternoon to pick up our car and return Dad's before going out in Peyia with Jackie and Costas to Sophie's bar for a buffet meal and 'entertainment'. 

John and I were both starving when we got to Mum's and it wasn't helped by the fact that Dad was making pasties and they smelt absolutely lush.  We are having them for our tea when we stay over on Wednesday night.  In the meantime we managed to blag a snackette just to keep us going as we knew we wouldn't be eating until late.

We set off for Peyia going along the coast road to Coral Bay which I absolutely love.  Not quite a sunset but the late afternoon sun looked beautiful reflecting on the sea. 

Once in Peyia we headed for Sophie's and waited for Jackie and Costas who are notorious for being late!  This time though it wasnt Costas that was the culprit it was Jackie!!!  We were the last to eat and were still eating when the entertainment started.

Neither the food nor the entertainment were as good as last night but the company more than made up for it.  We have known Jackie and Costas for twenty years - Costas is hugely entertaining and a good guy to know. 

Within minutes he had sorted out the conundrum of what we were going to do with the boxes we had emptied as some had been outside and got rather wet.  He rang a recycling guy who is coming to Droushia on Saturday to pick them up from us.

The entertainment was a sort of tribute to the stageshow and film Mama Mia.  The boys enjoyed themselves - two bottles of red and girls in boots seemed to help!!  Costas wants us to meet up regularly - he suggested once a week but I am not sure John's liver or our bank balance would stand it however we will do it as often as we can!

We parted company - I had a half hour drive north of Peyia and they had a half hour drive east!

John is in seventh heaven as I managed to find our new bedding and our skinny duvet and so we have a lovely fresh bed to crawl into - it is much much cooler here in Droushia so yes a skinny duvet in May (now June) is recommended. 

John is giving the frogs a run for their money - time to dig him in the ribs!

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