Sunday 8 May 2011

Day 7...

One week in already and the time has flown.  No peace for the wicked and it certainly wasn't a day of rest in the Tregunna/Wiseman household (not with Herr Ubergrupenfuhrer Wiseman SS in charge!!).  We were all detailed off to Droushia today for more decorating and gardening.  This time we remembered the stew (spew as it will forever be known) and headed off after breakfast.

You wont see me in many photographs as I prefer to remain behind the camera - here you can see John filling in the accent wall after I had done the cutting in round the edges.  It will need a second coat but it is drying out quite nicely and we are pleased with the colour.  We did have a little patch about where John's hands are where the paint came off as quickly as he tried to roll it on but we will sort that tomorrow.

SF has done an absolutely cracking job at getting the pool clean as the photograph left will testify.  You can see how inviting it looks and you can see how the garden has been cleared.  Today there was a good view of the mountains over towards Troodos - the atmosphere was much clearer than it has been previously and you could see right down to Chrysochou Bay if you were standing up by the green stuff round our boundary.  As you can see it is very rural where we are!

This shot shows SS wielding a pick-axe to clear a very old lavendar bush which TLH is clearing and SF is either loafing or perfecting site foreman supervisory skills - we arent sure which!!!  In fairness SF and TLH had cleared most of this - only leaving the one big root for SS to remove and had also cleared the car parking space at the front which was awash with something called 'Ladies Fingers'.

After about three hours we had all had enough and so packed up and came home - John and I decided that we should take our first dip in Mum and Dad's pool although the water temperature is only now at about 82 degrees!!  It was one of those 'it's lovely when you get in' moments - a bit chilly at first but quite refreshing!!  Hence the new photograph at the top - we just want to make you all jealous!!

Mum, John and I took a trip down to Paphos harbour this evening before dinner and had a walk in the late afternoon sunshine, stopping off for a well-earned drink in the Kamaras bar and then picked up some frozen yoghurt icecream for pud.  John did his Knight in shining armour routine for some poor Cypriot woman who had managed to squeeze her car into a spot and then realised she couldn't actually get out of the car, so he did the decent thing and rather than shouting instructions at her, got in and moved the car for her - she was sooooo grateful particularly when he then reverse parked it in a new space for her.  Bearing in mind that Sunday night down in Paphos harbour is absolute chaos and parking is at an absolute premium I think she should have adopted him and left him all her worldly goods!

Roast Dinner tonight - we havent had a bad meal at this lodgings so far.  All joking aside we dont know how TLH manages to do all that she does for us up at Droushia and still turn out top scran (food) night after night.

For the gardeners amongst you (Lorna) I thought I would include some photographs of the flowers up at Droushia - most are probably weeds but very nice one's at that!

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