Monday 13 June 2011

Day 43...

Back up to speed now that we are back in Droushia - and welcome to our new followers - this is so exciting - Les Boultons de Bellac - Bien Venue xxx

John said he slept like the dead last night - only if the dead make a noise like a Yamaha 125 with the baffles removed.  Needless to say I didnt - in fact I couldn't even persuade John to turn over he was so 'relaxed'.  I have found that if I tip his head up the reverberations aren't quite so bad - that is fine when he is sleeping on his side but when he is on his back then there is no chance. 

Dad has suggested I tie something round his head - like they used to for people with toothache!!

Mum and Dad went off picking fresh apricots yesterday at Thelma and Frank's and Mum has kindly given me some.  In the past I haven't been too keen on apricots but Mum stewed some and I had them with greek yoghurt for breakfast and they were lovely if not a little tart for my palate.  I have stewed some up with a little cinnamon to have for breakfast tomorrow and the others I am preserving and will freeze for the future - this is such a novelty for me after four years of not having any freezer whatsoever. 

On the subject of fruit Mum wanted you all to see the mutant grape she had in her bunch yesterday.  The grapes here are big but this is a real monster - looks like two fused together. 

That is Mum's thumb by the way because as you know I dont have any nails at the moment.  Worst than that I somehow managed to split my eternity ring and lose a diamond during the course of gardening.  I am going to have to find a jewellers who can repair it for me if it doesnt cost too much.  Bit gutted about it really but I dont think wearing gloves would have helped and my fingers have been too swollen to remove my rings.

It is a much cooler day today in fact it was 24 degrees inside and only 21 degrees outside - so a good 15 degrees cooler than it was a couple of days ago.  We dont mind because we have opted for a slobbing day and John really needs to give his arm a rest.  We have rigged up the Tennis final from Queen's using the laptop.

We have almost moved all our stuff from Mum and Dad's - I say almost - there is still the contents of the wardrobe to go and I think that is 90% all John's!!! 

We stopped yesterday at the garden centre in Kissonerga to spend the voucher which Eileen kindly gave us as a moving in gift.  I was able to get a frangipani tree (second from the left) together with sage, mint, basil and rosemary so thank you very much Eileen.  This has come up together with the rose from Trish and Alan, the vine cuttings which came from our garden in Greenwood Road and some bulbs which produce white flowers and black almost plastic like seeds and which we have no idea at all what they are.  If there are going to be houses in the field next door 'in the future'  I plan to make the garden more enclosed than it needs to be at the moment with the natural views beyond.

I have been catching up on emails this afternoon.  I have burdened Gemma with a couple more bits and pieces that I have purchased courtesy of Ebay and had delivered to her so that they can be sent to us because the vendors dont post outside the UK and I am very very grateful to her for doing that for us because I have no idea at all where to get these things in Polis.  We probably could if we took a trip to IKEA but that would mean going all the way to Nicosia and that feels like the other side of the world at the moment!

I have also heard from Sue and John in Bellac who are fresh back from their holiday in Croatia and it sounds like they had a fantastic time - as usual Sue doesnt let her health problems stand in her way and although she cant now ride her own Harley Davidson bike she will cut a real dash on the back of John's motorised Harley armchair!  Oh what fond memories I have of being on the back of that bike listening to Lady GaGa speeding down a long straight rural French road!

Finally I had an email from our friend and Greenwood neighbour Laura (also getting a couple of things to send out to me - I like to share the tasks out and boy do we need a key to wind up the clock - John is doing my head in asking where I put it!!). 

Laura sent some lovely photographs to remind John and I of our last two days in the UK.  Two were taken at the Street Party in Odcombe on 29th April in celebration of the wedding of Wills and Kate and I know Laura hates having her photograph taken but I think this is a lovely shot of her with John - the other is of me (obviously) stood next to Helen (who used to live opposite Vicki and Trev) and Vicki (who is sat on the chair) - looks like whatever it is that Vicki has said to Helen and I has tickled us.  

This one of Mark and John, was taken at the Jekyll and Hyde en route to Hils and Keith on 30th April - just look at the weather!!  Every time John and I went to Hils and Keith's we said we would stop at that pub  - a bit ironic that it ended up being the day before we left the country.  We opted for a mezze type lunch - just getting into training for the lunches we now have over here.  Anyway thanks Laura - the pictures are lovely.

We are being very British tonight and having Shepherd's Pie and peas for tea!!  I may need to go and dig out a cardi because here comes the rain!!!

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