Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day 44...

What a mixed old day it has been today.  For a start neither of us woke until gone 8.00 this morning which meant that we had nigh on 10 hours sleep last night - well John did - as usual I was awake for all sorts of reasons but not least because we had bucket loads of rain last night.

As I said to Sue in an email yesterday, if I was on holiday I would be quite disappointed with the vagaries of the weather but as we are living here I am quite pleased that it is cool, especially at night - we still have a duvet - thin granted and often kicked off during the course of the night - but early in the morning it is a welcome snuggle!

I can see now why everything grows so well up here in Droushia - Dad is amazed how quickly the tomatoes have matured and are now producing flowers and when you think I planted them with a spoon because my garden tools hadn't arrived!!

The peppers look ready to move on to the next stage as there are little ones appearing in the crowns but the real champions are the cucumber plants which Angela raised for me and which lost their original fruits but have now started growing a second lot and as you can see in the photograph these are beginning to look like real cucumbers.

Our plan this morning was to get the spare bedroom sorted and put up into the 'loft' the things which we dont have room for and which need to be kept dry like spare duvets, pillows and suitcases.  I have kept saying to John that I can smell damp and as you know the water pump goes off sporadically during the night for some reason.  Our pumped water system is housed in a cupboard indoors and the spare space around the system constitutes our loft.  In sorting it out this morning we managed to find the leak that has been causing the pump to go in the middle of the night.  This meant that once again we had to call Savvas the plumber who promised to come this afternoon.

We had to abandon tidying the bedroom so turned our attention to the room which we refer to as the 'bathroom' - this is being very generous because it is no more than a shower room with no possibility of having any sort of bath. 

It must be the smallest shower room this side of Nagasaki but we have to try and make the best of it.  This morning John fitted new lights - quite a few 'bugger its' as the light was very tricky to install for some reason.  We also put up the new mirror which is a bit cheap and cheerful but better than what was there before and whilst I was out this afternoon John constructed and put up the medicine cabinet.  Even those small changes have made a big difference.

John stayed at home this afternoon whilst I went down to Paphos to play Pickleball with Mum - it was much hotter down there but there was a welcome breeze on the court.  It looks like we may have to rearrange our playing times as the sound of the airball on the paddles has disturbed some of the holidaymakers at the hotel and the hotel next door when they are having a 'siesta'!!

Once I got back home Savvas and his sidekick pitched up to confirm that the water pump was the problem and they are coming back again tomorrow to replace it thank goodness.  They are either coming at 10.00 or sometime after 4.30pm - my money is on the latter!

We were just planning on going into the village for a drink when we heard people outside in the road.  John adopted his 'neighbourhood watch' persona and went to investigate.  It was a couple who have a holiday home in Kritou Terra who had come to collect some lavendar!  They transpired to be Chris (Cypriot Architect) and his wife Lesley.  Chris was the original architect for the Droushia Heights hotel and a very interesting chap.  We invited them in for a coffee and a chat.  They are going back to England next week but have said that if we are passing their house in the meantime we must call in for coffee.  Failing that they are coming back in September so we may see them again then.

John and I then took a walk into the village to see what was going on.  Our first stop was at the post office to see if we had any post and from there we went across the road to O Stathmos for a drink - this is located on a crossroads in the centre of the village so from there you can watch the world go by. 

We had one drink and then walked up the road to see Alkisti.  On the way up the hill we managed to speak to the owner of the Sappho Manor House (Andreas). 

Sappho Manor House provides holiday accommodation and we are hoping that if people want to visit but not stay with us that this will be an alternative.  He seemed very amenable and we will go in soon to check it out - but having looked it up on the internet it looks quite nice - no idea of the costs but he said he would 'sort out a special rate'.

A beer, coffee and Greek lesson with Alkisti before returning home for a late tea - provided by Mum and very tasty too.  All good in the Wiseman house tonight.

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