Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 53...

You hear people saying that they are 'living the dream' and I often wondered what they meant by that.  If the dream was to be able to get up when you want, then John and I are living the dream - if the dream was to be able to rely on the weather so that plans are not spoiled, then John and I are living that dream too - however for me living the dream is knowing that all the hard work that we are putting in at the moment is for our benefit solely and I have never worked so hard!  (Well maybe that weekend when Porter Dodson moved from the old Taunton office to Blackbrook and I finished at 3.00am one morning and was back again at 8.00am). 

I have politely asked John not to treat me as a Part 4 (you Navy people will know what I mean) and that we both count to 10 before we lose our rags!!!  This meant that today we have worked together well and achieved such a lot...

...first job of the day was to give our beautiful Stephanotis a permanent home.  We had located it outside our bedroom for several days and it seemed to be thriving so that is where it is going to live.  John put up some training wires and I carefully teased out the new growth so that it can begin to cover the wall.  We are hoping that we will benefit from its fragrance in our bedroom.  Anyone who sits in the Trev and Vix corner will also get the benefit.  Anyway we have to say a big thank-you to Hils and Keith for giving this to us as a moving in present. 

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my garden and so I will get real joy out of creating what I hope will be a little oasis of colour and smell.  My "Mediterranean Gardening" book that Mum gave me is proving to be invaluable!

Second job of the day was to start creating our outside shower area.  We only have one small shower room indoors and if we have visitors then that may prove to be a bit of a bind.  John has decided to harness the power of the sun and place a very long run of black pipe around the perimeter of the garden.  We know from experience that the water trapped in the garden hose gets pretty warm when left in the sun so it seems a shame not to use the free hot water.  We had quite a bit of wood left over from doing the ceilings so we used up what was left and then went down to the woodyard in Polis to order some extra which will be delivered tomorrow.

Whilst down in Polis we did a bit of shopping and John returned his beer empties mainly as a recyling exercise but it transpires that you get money back on the bottles so it reduces the cost of his beer by nearly 15%!! 

He also called into the DIY shop in search of something to make sure that I dont switch the freezer off by mistake (which I did this morning but fortunately realised in time).  Whilst he was in there I got chatted whilst sat in the car by a Kurdish Turkish builder!!!  Why is it that men are usually in and out of shops like lightening but on this occasion John was AGES!!!!

Back home there was great excitement when I did the watering because I have my first tomato!!  This will go with my first cucumber which is growing slowly!  Not yet producing enough for the local supermarkets to ask me to become a key supplier!!

Whilst I was watering John got to grips with his new boy-toy which was a small headed hoover attachment for cleaning the bottom of the pool.  He says he really could do with some new pipe and a new pole - ooh er ladies!!!  Anyway I am sure you will agree that the pool is looking very inviting.  We have actually now invested in a thermometer and tonight it was registering 76 degrees - bearing in mind we dont cover it at the moment (we are waiting for the pool cover to be bound) so we are losing heat during the course of the night, I dont suppose that is too bad, but Mum and Dad's is up near 90!!!

It is now 8.00pm and I really need to get some tea so will leave you with a shot of the coastline in the evening sunshine...

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