Friday 24 June 2011

Day 54...

God Almighty I just dont know where the days go at the moment - it is 6.00pm and we have just sat down having been working ALL day!

John woke early and decided to get up whilst it was relatively cool in order to give the olive tree a bit of a haircut - that would have been about 6.45am - I could hear him pottering about so crawled out of bed to see what was going on.

He said that he had to fight off the bug on the left which was doing lengths of front crawl in the pool re-enacting the Wham video to Club Tropicana!

We have absolutely no idea what it is but you can see an ant next to it so you can see how big it was.  John fished it out and threw it into the field as it was still alive then thought perhaps he should have killed it just in case it brings its mates and family round the next time - perhaps someone can enlighten us - or not if it turns out to be something dangerous.

Having given the pool the once over I thought I might give it a go but it was only 73 degrees - John kept telling me to get on with it and just get down under the water but we women have an anatomy that makes getting into cold water so much more difficult - anyway after a lot of fuss I did eventually got in - it was bracing!!! but very refreshing all the same...

We were waiting for the remainder of the wood to complete the outside shower so in the meantime we cut and laid out the black pipe that would carry the water round the garden.  John shot off down to the farmer's co-operative shop for the remainder of the bits we needed so I started work on the front garden but boy it was a hot old job.  Whilst I was outside I got a visit from a Cypriot lady who has come from Nicosia for the weekend to her holiday home which is next door to Sean and Sharon.  She introduced herself as Tina and asked if she could borrow some garden tools as she had some help with her to get things tidied up.  I have never met her before but let her have my rake and shears - dont know if I will see them again!!  I poked my head down the path a bit later and saw what I think was her husband wearing what looked like a World War 1 tin helmet - maybe the garden is so overgrown there are snipers in there that dont know the war has ended!!!

It got so hot that I ventured back into the pool again - this time it was a balmy 76 degrees so I didnt fuss around quite so much and decided that whilst I was in there I would take the opportunity to give it a real clean - hence the toothbrush on the side and the wire brush that I am wielding!!  It was so refreshing in there that I really didnt want to get out but the wood was delivered and John was keen to get the shower finished.

We worked all afternoon cutting, staining and putting up.  I cant believe how long it took but eventually it was all done and looks fantastic - rather like a Swedish Sauna!!!  We need some sort of shelf for toiletries - we did have one but the plastic had age hardened and it split as John put it up.  I jumped at the chance to try it out and I can confirm that the water was hot and it was refreshing even as it began to cool down.  Another tick in the box and a job off of the list.  It does mean that there is a second option for someone to grab a shower and in full sunshine it doesnt take long for the water to be hot enough.

Our life was complete today as I had managed to find some good old English Back Bacon at the Meat Masters shop and John and I enjoyed Bacon Butties for lunch - we are planning on beans on toast for tea - something quick and simple!

I take back what I said about the woman borrowing my garden tools - Tina has just returned them and given me a bottle of Thisbe wine to say thanks.  She is back again mid-week and says she will call in - she thinks we have a lovely house - how nice is that?

1 comment:

  1. The bug is called a Mole Cricket, big, ugly and weird looking, but they are not dangerous at all. Enjoy it if you see it again, they are not so common.


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