Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 55...

Today as usual we both woke early in fact at 7.00am I was putting the clippers over John’s head (the question is Ladies – is he or isn’t he wearing anything under his batman cape??). 
He has progressed to a No2 all over then a No1 up the back and sides - it is only a matter of time before I can see this becoming a No1 all over.  The only trouble is that he ends up with a white line around his neck where he has been wearing his faithful Liam Gallagher hat all the time.
Outside the backdoor is the coolest place for an early morning haircut even though John’s head is in full sun!!!  He was ever so pleased to be able to dive under the outside shower where the water was warm enough even at that early hour.
We wanted to get some of the garden done before Mum and Dad came up for lunch.  We are starting on the smallest patch which is as you come into the property.  I have decided to split it into sections with the first being where the fruit trees have been planted and where I am growing my veggies.  This is because it gets more shade here at the hottest parts of the day than anywhere else.  Opposite I have a small herb garden which currently houses a well established bay-tree, rosemary, sage, basil and some rather sad looking mint – not sure if that is going to survive and am not sure if it has been overwatered, lacking water or what!  Next to this I am saving a campsis (glossy leaves and orange flowers) which has always been there and am pondering whether to plant the Frangipani tree although Dad says it will get in the way of the footpaths.  In the front will go ‘Art’  a cutting of a plant which Arthur gave mum and which we don’t quite recognise but which I think is some kind of ‘hot water plant’ or Achimenes – when it flowers perhaps one of my more knowledgeable gardening friends can confirm or correct. 
Beyond that going up to the shed I am undecided as this is where my washing line lives so whatever is there cant interfere with sheets and towels.  I had thought about turning it over to veggies but the ground is like concrete and it is just too hot during the day and that area is in full sunshine nearly all day – in fact at 7.00pm as I type this is where you can catch the very last of our sunshine and being sheltered is a real suntrap – I may even put a couple of chairs there for visitors who want to get in as many rays as possible when on holiday – that used to be me but now I seek out the shade – much to John’s amusement.
Anyway I guess it was only a matter of time before our weather station showed the outside temperature reaching 40 degrees!!!  I checked it just after 10.00 am this morning and sure enough there it was.
The sensor is in full sun at this point so I think it is a little misleading but you will get an idea of how it is hotting up and it is still only June. 
We are lucky that we get a breeze most days which is more than welcome and there is always somewhere in the garden where you can sit in the shade.
Communing with nature went just a little too far today when Mum, Dad, John and I were sat under the Gazebo contemplating lunch when something caught my eye – I suddenly realised that there was some sort of Cypriot Rat running along the edge of the garden – I am guessing he was more scared of us than we of him but what the hell are the feral cats around here doing?  Irene is obviously feeding them too well so they aren’t interested in catching their own tea.  Will have to keep an eye out particularly as we keep all the doors open during the day.
We spent a pleasant few hours with Mum and Dad – Dad found the best place to catch an afternoon snooze – sitting on Vix!!  That really is the best place in the afternoon because you can look right across to Mount Olympus and see the ‘listening-in’ golfball on its summit (well you can on a lovely fine day like today!)  They left at around 3.30 as they are off out tonight and after they had gone John knocked up a shelf for the outside shower – that job is now complete so another one ticked off the list.
Just settling down to watch a bit of Wimbledon – cant think it will be a very late night tonight!

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