Sunday 26 June 2011

Day 56...

All is good in the Wiseman household.  Both John and I managed a reasonable night's sleep.  For my part I think I have to thank Mum for bringing up the Chillow Pillow she had originally bought for John and which I snaffled last night - my hormonal needs being greater than his!

For those of you who dont know then apparently... "The Chillow is activated only once by simply filling it with tap water. The water is fully absorbed into the patented foam core which creates memory foam like comfort that COOLS & SOOTHES"

And I can honestly say it does work - it remained cool all through the night and meant that I remained cooler too - so I slept, John sleeps so it is win win all round.

Fully refreshed we got up this morning and put together a new list of things to do and decided that today would be one of 'light duties' it being Sunday.  We decided to finish off the ceilings by putting the trim down the raw edges.  This was not without incident - starting off by John falling off the ladder in the bedroom - fortunately onto the bed - followed by rather more than a 'bugger it' I can tell you.  Then for some reason he miscalculated the lengths in the lounge and cut wood when he didnt need to!  Anyway job now done and it looks good.

People up the road are having their pool relined so John disappeared to engage the guys in conversation to find out how much a new liner would be and to pick their brains about the eyeball jets in our pool and how we can get them working properly.  I have to say they have made a wonderful job of the pool liner and were quick and tidy.  The price they quoted was very reasonable so if we need one sometime in the future we may well go to them.

Armed with the information about the eyeballs I got into the pool with my usual reticence to try and unscrew the jets - anyway I made such a song and dance about it that John had to go in and prove the point that the pool is, in fact, very refreshing and great when you get in and get all your bits used to it.  What a poser but at least his 'squaddie suntan' is looking a bit more even now!!

Our friends Sean and Sharon have visitors arriving tomorrow - we thought it was in July - so mad panic as they asked us if we would hand over the keys and make sure the place was clean and tidy before and afterwards.  We had to go up there today and check things out armed with bleach, fresh air spray, duster and broom - just call me Juanita the maid!!!!

We managed to catch up with Helen and Pete this afternoon via Skype (not to mention grandson Mason who was in on the act today - and what a cutey he is).  Helen is a Skype virgin and was well impressed by the clarity of the call and the video.  Having stayed at Villa 10b a couple of years ago they can well appreciate what we have managed to achieve with the property so far and it will be nice when they can come over and see it with their own eyes.

My wildlife shot today is showing a cicada emerging from its old body - very weird - this one was outside the bedroom door and as the cicadas make such a noise at night I was keen to make sure that that was where it stayed!  We have seen no end of these over the last couple of days and their noise is doing battle with the tree frogs at night (but of course with my chillow pillow I wont be disturbed by them!!)

There was been some activity in the field next door this afternoon although we are not sure what is happening as a sort of combine harvester pitched up with a truck - John is not impressed that it has parked completely blocking our view of the Bay!!

Not quite a roast dinner tonight but I have a coq au vin simmering nicely in the slow cooker that we will have a little later with some hassleback potatoes and veg. 

Mum and Dad are coming up again tomorrow - possibly bringing their friends Trevor and Beryl with them - another busy day ahead!

OMG - someone had better visit us and quick we are about to run out of our ration of Asda's own Fruit and Nut chocolate.

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