Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 62...

Well today is Saturday but sometimes I have to really think what day it is!  We have to remember that on a Saturday a lot of things are closed in the afternoon so we have to be a bit organised.

John had arranged to help our neighbour Ollie with some painting today.  Ollie is painting the outside of one or our other neighbour's house (George - tailor to the stars George married to Pam).  There was a bit of wall over the swimming pool that Ollie couldn't reach and not being a swimmer and 68 it was all a bit awkward so John offered to do that bit as the ladder had to be placed in the swimming pool.

While John was doing that I was tootling about in the garden trying to encourage my poorly rose to buck it's ideas up, and sewing some rocket seed in a spare pot I had (so that I would have something to go with the cucumber, tomatoes and peppers that are maturing nicely!).  I also nipped over the fence into the field next door to liberate one or two more stones because I needed to make a pathway in front of my new waterbutt.

Odd insect of the day is this lacewing type thing that was sunning itself by the hosepipe.  Because we leave a light on in the garden overnight we get a right old collection of insects there in the morning.  This fella was about three inches long!!

I did washing and even got my sewing kit out as John's favourite shorts had had a complete blow out in the crotch area!!  I think they are just wearing out through age!!

Chores done we went into Polis to do some shopping.  I have told John that he is never to leave me in the car outside Glykkis DIY ever again - last time I was chatted up by some odd Turkish builder and today I was engaged in conversation by the Cypriot lady who lives opposite the DIY shop.  To begin with I thought she was going to ask me not to park outside her house but in fact she told me her whole life story!!  She is called Anna and her mother came from Droushia, she told me that both her parents were dead and she had no brothers or sisters and never had a husband - by the end of the conversation she was asking me in for coffee (well I think so - my Greek is getting better but still very very sketchy!!)

I managed to escape without having to go for coffee and we completed our shopping.  We decided to push the boat out and have lunch out and I fancied something light like a toasted sandwich.  We started off in Polis Square but the service was soooooooo slow we moved on...  From there we went round the corner but found it was full of kids (can't eat a whole one!!) ... we went down by the Hospital and found one place but it was doing big meals, went to two more but they werent doing much - the Waterfall bar in Polis couldnt do food or coffee so we ended up in our favourite Mosfilos where I asked for a small portion of Mousaka and that is exactly what I got and it was delicious!!

We had planned to go to Lyssos this afternoon to watch the Polis International Car Rally but we were so tired we went back to the house to chill - John is sat on Vicki with his trusty Tablet (probably playing Angry Birds!!). 

This photograph is a warning to all you sunbathers - just look at John's feet - he still looks like he is wearing flipflops even though he isnt!!

We didnt chill for long as we can always see things that need doing!!!  The first thing we did was to put some 'green stuff' on the fence between the abandoned house nextdoor and us.  The other side of this fence is a swimming pool that hasnt been touched for years and looks pretty grotty - we cannot work out how fish have managed to breed in it - but whilst they are there they are keeping the water sweet and eating the mosquito larvae!

The next job we tackled was to clear the area next to the drive that had years and years and years worth of some sort of succulent plant growth and which also housed a snake the last time we cleared it.  Just briefly it had a really pretty flower but apart from that it just grew and grew and grew and as we had some 'green stuff' left over and some shingle we thought we would put it to good use.  There is so much garden to keep on top of this is one less job!

John was finishing off the guttering and whilst he had the ladder out we went and sat on the flat roof above the kitchen.  We are in two minds as to whether we can turn this into some sort of roof terrace as there are fantastic views from there and it gets the very last of the sun.  We reckon health and safety would insist on some sort of barrier so that you cannot fall off but we think we might just stick a couple of sun loungers up there for the time being.  We will need to rig up some sort of basket and pulley system to get the old G&T's up with us!!

Steak, chips and salad with my famous mustard sauce tonight - laughing our socks off at Walk on the Wild Side and Total Wipeout - but my bed is calling... 

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